Indulge Your Wildest Cake Dreams with Scrumptiously Creative Wedding Cakes by Beth

By Claire

Designer wed­ding cakes from Cakes by Beth

Designer Beth is mod­est about her wed­ding cakes, and I sus­pect she’s blush­ing already but I really do admire her cre­ativ­ity, atten­tion to detail and the pas­sion she pours into her wed­ding cakes busi­ness. Beth is based in the North West, has exhib­ited and given demon­stra­tions at top events like The Cake & Bake Show and designed cakes for high pro­file events and many, many weddings.

She’s also a friend and a lovely, down-to-earth, inspir­ing per­son to know. Oh, and did I men­tion her cakes? Here’s your intro­duc­tion to the 2013 wed­ding cakes col­lec­tion from Cakes by Beth. Enjoy! Claire xxx

White Swan wed­ding cake — a tall, ele­gant and very fem­i­nine cake with bil­low­ing, frothy ruf­fles in pure white. The sides of the tiers are cov­ered with feath­ered ruf­fle strips, and a fabric-style ruf­fled rose cas­cade pours down the side of the cake. Incred­i­bly detailed and beautiful!

The Draw­ing Room — a five tier wed­ding cake for 2013 with a strik­ing color palette. The inspi­ra­tion for the design came from grand rooms in coun­try house estates with pic­ture rails, striped wall­pa­per and beau­ti­ful rose gardens.

Ver­ti­cal Mag­no­lias — a clas­sic wed­ding cake with a twist! Based on a plain white three tier design, but with sub­tle dif­fer­ences that make it stand out. The tiers are off­set to cre­ate a flat ver­ti­cal face down one side, which is then dec­o­rated with a line of sim­ple mag­no­lia flow­ers. Each tier is iced with rec­tan­gu­lar pan­els to cre­ate soft ver­ti­cal lines, and then trimmed with a sim­ple rope edge.

Antoinette — inspired by Marie Antoinette’s deca­dent out­fits and famous opu­lent lifestyle. A fresh color palette of sug­ary pas­tels, includ­ing dusky pink, duck egg blue and vanilla, on a fresh white back­ground. The base tier is inspired by the full ruf­fled under­skirts of the time, with a raw silk tex­tured half height tier above, and the top two tiers are draped in a hand-piped lace pat­tern, com­plete with frilled edge. Beth bal­anced out the pink by adding a sim­ple pink bow

Meiji — inspired by the Japan­ese Meiji period this cake fea­tures a bit of a twist to the clas­sic cherry blos­som style by using leafy shards, and has a mod­ern spin on the clas­sic four tier struc­ture with the top three tiers very sim­i­lar in diam­e­ter, with a wider base tier in a pop of lip­stick pink

Fan­tasy For­est Bird­cage — My other favourite! Beth is renowned for her bird­cage wed­ding cakes and this fan­tasy for­est cake is black with dark gold cake details, hibis­cus flow­ers, bright green vines and turquoise and orange hand painted flower details. The over­all feel is that of a mys­te­ri­ous and unex­plored paradise.

French Riv­iera — Art Deco with a dif­fer­ence. This strik­ing wed­ding cake incor­po­rates nau­ti­cal details and Mediter­ranean colours (rasp­berry red, dark teal and mus­tard) inspired by the south of France, and art deco shapes with bold, sim­ple sketched flow­ers. A bright, mod­ern cake with a nod to the 1930s.

The pho­tog­ra­phy is by the mag­nif­i­cent Chris Han­ley Pho­tog­ra­phy, who I’m very excited to know is work­ing closely with Beth on other, secret things… but that’s all I know! The sus­pense is killing me… I think I need cake.

Claire x