Indie Writer's Showcase: Jessica Samuels' Starr Family Reunion.

By Lizmckeown1955 @WritersBoost
The Family Reunion from Hell:   It was that time of year again, and I really did not want to go. It’s bad enough that I have to fake being with a jerk like Viper who is everything I hate, and now I have to explain it to my family too. The Starr family reunion is always memorable since half of them like to flaunt their happy marriages around even through their husbands cheat on them with werewolves and vampires. I was one of the Starr family witches not married yet which is a big thing since we are supposed to get married and have kids around this time. I’m not since I was promised to Viper, and it’s not even my choice. I’m not happy with someone like him since he cheats on me constantly talking about other girls being cute. He was only with me for the fact that our line is the last for the high witches. My mom sits on the high council a long with his parents, and we were promised at a young age, and I’m almost done with him. I don’t want to be promised to him at all. It’s not like I have a choice at all either unless I meet someone else who is higher up since they don’t want to see me struggle for a job even though I’m working on going to Witch School for college students since I’ve already graduated high school.
I want to help witches pick out the right spell ingredient for them, and talk to magical creatures in helping them out. As a future high council member I need to know about all the creatures here. The only thing I love is this apartment since it has a bedroom, bathroom, living room and kitchen. Even a library and an office. My way since I needed independence from her at this point. I can’t live with her since she is happy about the engagement. I’m not I brush out my black hair, and put eye shadow on my gray eyes making them pop. I put on jeans and a black t shirt, and then black boots. It was going to be a long day at this point, and I just want it to end. I have no hope of finding someone else unless I can somehow prove to my mom how horrible he is for me. I need to for me since he is making me miserable. I got ready to go with my mom to our great Aunt Cindy’s house for the reunion. I drive to mom’s place after I’m done. Her house is a huge mansion, and I love it since I grew up there. Dad is away since he is a lawyer in the Luxor realm which is the one we live in. Mom is the head of the council since she is one of the highest witches of them all. She is in her office most of the time, and loves it when I interrupt her. I really need proof at this point to prove to her that he is not a good match for me. I want to be with someone who makes me happy, and not miserable. I’ve missed being happy with someone. I thought about this all day on the way to the place. I don’t have proof he is cheating on me yet. I still see all the signs. I did love him at one point, and it hurt since I tried to work things out with him, and I wanted it to last. It’s not going to if I keep seeing signs that he is not really mine. I’m going to go with my mom and Viper is meeting me there since he had a sorcerer military thing to do. He is not going to come till later, but he is meeting me there and taking me home. Fun, and at this point oh well. I get there, and the car my mom drove is still in the driveway, and I park next to it. The mansion is all black, and looks like it’s a house from The Addams Family, and it even has the décor to match. She is probably dressed in her mortician dresses too that are long and black with eyeliner done. She is already pale with red lips and brown eyes. I went inside, and mom is in the living room already in her mortician style dress since she loves looking her best, and she loves to wear corsets too. She smiled at me, “I see you made it, and thank god you are not late since we have to be there early. I hope you brought a bag to stay a few nights since I want to stay at the palace for a weekend.”“I did and Viper is getting his own room right?” I asked her hoping to get a separate bedroom from him. She looked at me like I was crazy, “Nope, you are sleeping together since you are engaged.”“Okay, no problem.” I tell her since I don’t want to start an argument. She has her stuff already in the living room and picks it up. “Get your things and let’s get this show on the road.” She told me. I nod hurry to my car, pop open the trunk, and then gather my things from my black overnight back. It’s been packed since last night. Mom put her stuff in the trunk, and I put my stuff in on top of it. She closed the trunk and I got in the passenger seat. My smartphone beeped, and I knew it was Viper since I put a ring tone especially for him. I swiped the screen to see what he said:R U on UR way?Yes, we are getting in the car now…Good, I’ll be there soon. I love you…Love you too…I text back even though I knew I was lying. I’ll pretend to be his just for one time. Then I need to find a way to get out of this situation. I did love him, and I remembered when we met in high school. It’s was on the bus when I went to one of the schools for Witches, Wizards, Warlocks, and Sorcerers…It’s called Salem High School. Yes, it’s where we learned spells, incantations, rituals, and even how to use our powers. It’s our version of the high school diploma. I loved the fact that I was born a witch, and it’s better then anything I’ve imagined. I grew up on it and I’ve never looked back on it since. Mom is a witch and Dad is a sorcerer. They get along together and at times they don’t it all depends. So yes I’m part witch and part sorcerer which is pretty cool since I can do something witches can’t do. I can walk through walls and use telekinesis and talk to animals and creatures. I even have the ability to shape shift into a wolf. Hence why it makes me different from others, and when I told that to Viper he freaked out and told him to never tell it to me again. See why I need someone else? Even my best friend agreed with me. A dragon shifter named Alexia who I play Enchanted Forest with which is a role playing game I love to play. Too bad I had to leave the laptop at home. I got in the car with mom and thankfully it isn’t a long ride and we get there in recored amount of time. Quickly, and I get out of the car along with my mom who is named Sabrina. Our Aunt’s place is at the top of the hill, and a mansion is on it. Another ancestral Starr mansion, and I love the place too since it’s just as creepy as my moms. We get our stuff out of the car, and then head up the hill. I love to wear boots since it’s better then wearing heels. We walk up the walk way and mom goes right in through the door. She doesn’t knock since Aunt Cindy doesn’t mind us walking right in. The living room is all decked out for the holidays with gold and silver decorations, and a huge tree too. It’s pretty and there is even a fire going in the fire place. Aunt Cindy is right there in one of her sparkling blue gowns and even her eye shadow is glittery blue matching her dark blue eyes and ice blonde hair like a modern day Cinderella. She is pretty and her mom was blonde and our entire family is blonde on dad’s side which makes her Dad’s sister and his name is Giles he is the blonde haired blued eyed one. I got more of Mom’s then dad’s. I still love them both anyway. Dad is going to join in later when he gets done with the client he is with. I see everyone there, and even Viper is there talking to one of my other relatives. I look down at the ring. A diamond on top and diamond along the sides leading to a point. It’s supposed to be a good thing instead it feels more like a prison sentence, and I see him checking his cell, and texting someone while smiling it’s not me though… I need to just get through the family thing and pretend like it’s not happening just for today. I go up and mingle with my family taking my time to talk to Uncle Dave and tell him about what’s going on. He is blonde haired and blue eyed on my dad side. Always has a smile on his face and definitely knew what was going on. “So tell me about what you have been up to?” He asked me. “Just helping mom with the Spell Shop, and I have not even touched on the wedding stuff yet…” I tell him honestly.“Well, then I’d get to it have you set the date yet?”“Well…”“We have set it to a year from now since that is when I’ll be back from my Sorcery Air Stuff…Going to be gone for a while like some months, and I figured we can do it after I’m gone. Then settle down and have a few kids.” Viper said trying to act like nothing is going on. It has but I’ll let it slide since he is trying to act nice-nice. It’s all a show anyway…“Yes, what he said then I’ll do the planning while he is gone.” I told Dave. “Good I’m happy for you kids…” Then he left to mingle with someone else. Viper turns to me, “I’m sorry okay…I don’t know what to say since I’m yours and no one else. No once is like you at all.” A beep on his phone….He checks it and texts while smiling then puts it away…“I swear that was a friend…”“Okay, well we can pretend just for today since you obviously love that talking to others more then me.” I told him and he gives me hurt eyes…“I love you and no one else. I’ll prove it to you by not answering my cell the entire time….” Then he pulled it out of his pocket and turned it off….“Wow…impressive if only you did it all the time…” I told him. The entire time he had it off, and we mingled with the family. I told them about the shop and my plans. That is it, and it was painful because I had to act like I was actually with him. It was hard since he was treating me the way I deserved to be treated. Dad came to join us, and we ate then enjoyed a vacation away from the shop. I will still remember it since it was the first time we acted like a couple. Still in the back of my mind I will prove he is not worthy of my love. The entire time I was talking to my family members I did enjoy the fact that the crazy witches in my family are all mine and no one else's. I loved spending time with them, and I could not wait for next year, and hopefully I’ll be with the person of my dreams instead of a lie.   The end! But this story will continue in Fur and Fang of Love!