Indiana Blogs: Spell Outloud

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker

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Indiana Blogs: SpellOutloud

Spell Outloud is a homeschooling Indiana blogger, but if you like hands-on activities, games, and learning opportunities for kids of all ages then you’ve got to check out this Hoosier blog!

From cleverly created original printables to how-to articles and glimpses into Maureen’s busy life, there’s a lot to read and do.

In other words? Reading Spell Outloud will keep you busy! And after you see all the hands-on fun, this Hoosier blog will keep your kids or grandkids busy too!

Indiana Blogs: Spell Outloud

Why did you start Spell Outloud?
I have been blogging at Spell Outloud a little over 3 years now. I started my blog as a way to give back to the homeschooling and educational community. Over the years I had gleaned so much encouragement from other sites that I wanted to return the favor.

What about that name? Why Spell Outloud?
When I first picked a blog name, I just went with my last name which is Spell. Pair my last name with the fact that I have 6 children and it is rarely quiet here, Spell Outloud seemed like the perfect name.

Spell Outloud has nothing to do with spelling and everything to do with learning–especially for families with young children. I share many hands-on toddler and preschool crafts, activities, and Hey Diddle, Diddle Nursery Rhyme Craft.

What are three of your most favorite posts?
Picking my favorite posts was hard to do! Here are some popular posts on Spell Outloud:

  • Do Toddlers and Well-Ordered Days Mix?
  • Human Body: Learning About Blood
  • Hey Diddle, Diddle Nursery Rhyme Craft

What keeps you ready and raring to post? Why do you blog?
I will admit that sometimes it is not easy to find the time to post or the topics to blog out. When I get to that point, I step away from my blog and just focus on my life away from the computer.

Blogging has also given me a creative outlet. I am able to practice and share my photography in my blog posts, and use my digital scrapbooking skills to design my site and printables.

You have a large variety of hands-on crafts and things to do for kids of all ages. What inspires you?
I just think hands-on learning is so much fun! For me, coming up with creative activities for kids to do is a way for me to be creative.

I try to come up with simple activities that add a different dimension to what we are learning. I am often inspired by other early childhood educators.

What surprised you most about homeschooling? Was it what you thought it would be when you first got started?
I think the thing that has surprised me the most about homeschooling is that it isn’t just a task to be completed and checked-off everyday but rather a lifestyle. Learning opportunities are woven into our daily life and routines.

If you could have a super power, what would it be?
If I could have a super power it would be the power to multiply my time–or clone myself.

Is there anything else that you would like little Indiana readers to know?
In addition to writing at Spell Outloud, I also write at Totally Tots, The Homeschool Village, and Minnetrista.

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