Indiana Blogs: Patty’s Pretty Things

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
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This marks another addition to the regular feature here at little Indiana: Indiana Blogs! If you are an Indiana Blogger, please use the contact form and send me an email. You may be featured right here on little Indiana.

Indiana Blogs: Pattys Pretty Things

Patty’s Pretty Things is an Indiana blog that puts the focus on crafting and creating!

Patty always seems to have some sort of clever project going on whether it is re-purposing a thrift store find or sewing a bag.

Looking for a little inspiration? You’ll certainly find it here.

Indiana Blogs: Patty’s Pretty Things

Why did you start Patty’s Pretty Things?
After I started using Pinterest, I realized the pins were coming from people’s blogs.  I didn’t know what blogs were before that.

Once I figured it out, I thought to myself, I am creative and have things to share too!  I started Patty’s Pretty Things in January of this year.

What about that name? Why Patty’s Pretty Things?
Many years ago I was looking for a name for myself when I was selling my projects at craft shows.  A dear friend of mine suggested Patty’s Pretty Things.  It reminds me of her and makes me happy when I think about how she did that for me.

What are three of your most favorite posts?

My Drake Hotel Pioneer Days Quick and Simple Wreath

What keeps you ready and raring to post? Why do you blog?
I think blogging is the most creative thing I have done because it involves creative writing, photography and designing my blog.  Blogging to me is like having a diary.  I can go back and see the projects I have made and things I have done.

Having a blog includes me in the blogging community where I get many ideas from the wonderful friends I have made along the way.

You’ve got a really, well, pretty blog! Have you always liked decorating and crafting?
Yes, I have always loved both.  My mother tells me that I kept myself busy making things as I grew up.

I love to move objects around the house and change things. I am a homebody and am very content when I am in my own little world creating things.

If you could only do one particular type of craft–what would it be and why?    I would make Smash Books! You can put anything in a SMASH book, all kinds and sizes of paper and envelopes and it is a very functional item. Where do you find your inspiration?   Pinterest, the Ethan Allen store, other blogs, magazines If you could have any super power, what would it be? I would like to have the power to meet the singer Tom Jones.  I have been in love with him since I was 14 years old.  My husband has been to TJ concerts with me, and he is OK with that.
Is there anything else that you would like little Indiana readers to know about you or your blog?
When I retire from being a full time school nurse I will have more time to devote to my blog.

Clever Crafter

As a non-crafter, I hope you enjoyed a peek into the world of one of those creative types. I know I did! Thanks to Patty for stopping by little Indiana today!

Find pictures in Indiana on my Flickr photostream or on the new little Indiana Tumblr blog.

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