Indiana Blogs: May Dreams Gardens

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker

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Indiana Blogs: May Dreams Gardens

May Dreams Garden is an Indiana blog that isn’t afraid to get a little dirty. Carol has the green thumb to prove it!

With helpful gardening tips and hints for success, and the occasional peek inside a gardening book, you will soon be on your way to gardening happiness.

You’ll enjoy this look at the plants and flowers that “make the cut” and get a spot in May Dreams Garden–I know I did!

Indiana Blogs: May Dreams Gardens

Why did you start May Dreams Gardens?
I started earnestly blogging in 2006.

What about that name? Why May Dreams Gardens?
It’s based on the name I gave my garden, May Dreams. “All year I dream of the days of May when the sun is warm, the sky is blue, the grass is green and the garden is all new again.”

What are three of your most favorite posts?

I have over 1800 posts on my blog, so it is hard to pick favorites.

Three favorite types of posts include:

  • I started a meme called Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day to encourage all garden bloggers to post on the 15th of the month about what’s blooming in their gardens. This has been going on for five years now, and still there are sometimes 100 garden bloggers who join in from all over the world. That’s always a favorite post. We just posted for January.
  • I also like the posts I write about the “secrets to achieving happiness in your garden” and turned some of those into a page on my blog: Gardening Secrets.
  • I like to mix it up and write in different styles. I had fun for awhile writing one act plays based on the lives of flowers, like Marigolds.

What keeps you ready and raring to post? Why do you blog?
I’ve connected with a lot of other gardeners across the country and around the world through blogging and we now get together somewhere in the country on an annual basis just to visit gardens and see each other face to face.

Plus, my blogging opened up opportunities for me to write for a few magazines, including Indiana Gardening, and to have a seasonal garden column in The South Side Times (published for southern Marion County and northern Johnson County). Who knows where else it will lead me?

I couldn’t help but notice that you have a collection of garden hoes. Do tell!
Like most collections, first I had one hoe, then saw a second one that was different so I bought it and then before I knew it, I had enough garden hoes to call it a collection.

I posed them in the garden, took their pictures and posted them online. I am still adding hoes to the collection whenever I see one that’s different from those I already have.

If you had to downsize and could only keep five plants or flowers–which ones would they be?

This is nearly impossible for me to even grasp the concept of having just five plants or flowers. Here’s a post I just wrote about that topic: Dear Hortense Hoelove Answers “Enough Flowers?”

Is there anything else that you would like little Indiana readers to know?
I had another blog for three years that was based on my grandmother’s diaries that she wrote in the 1920′s when she was a young mother raising her family on the near East side of Indianapolis. It’s Ruth Campbell Smith 1925-1927 Diaries.

That was fun and got my aunt and mom to tell us more of the family history that they remembered. It is a treasure now that they have both passed on recently.

I joked that my grandmother, through me, was the world’s oldest garden blogger.

How Does Her Garden Grow

May Dreams grows with a mixture of history and a passion for diggin’ in the dirt! Thanks to Carol for hopping on over to little Indiana today.

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