Indiana Blogs: Leman’s Studios Blog

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
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This marks another addition to the regular feature here at little Indiana: Indiana Blogs! If you are an Indiana Blogger, please use the contact form and send me an email. You may be featured right here on little Indiana.

Indiana Blogs: Leman’s Studios

Leman’s Studios is an Indiana blog that serves as a launchpad for this Indiana photographer to share not only photography tips for aspiring photographers but also advice for folks looking for a photographer.

So, if you want to up your image quality, you can find that here. If you want the reasons behind choosing a wedding photographer and why it should not be your Aunt Lucy, that’s on here too.

But if you just like looking through images, you can find Lee’s portfolio on here as well.

Indiana Blogs: Leman’s Studios Blog

Why did you start Leman’s Studios Blog?
I started the blog because at first people wanted to get to know the artist so to speak. Writing gives people a view of who you are and what’s inside. It also gives you an opportunity to voice thoughts, ideas and opinions.

The later blogs have came from things that have a need to be addressed. The even later blogs were a request from an online magazine to use as articles. I don’t write as many blogs as I would like because my time is spent on the marketing and business end of photography more than the photography itself. However, I do jot down ideas when they come.

I have a giant list of things to write about, now to find the time!

What about that name? Why Leman’s Studios Blog?
Ah, the name. The name came about as a result of a very long search for the web site. It’s too much of an easy way out to just add the word photography after your name. I really didn’t want this. I wanted something thought provoking, and something aside from the norm.

As it turned out, my name was an easy combination, Lee Mandrell / Leman’s. No different than say J-Lo or A-Rod, or LiLo. It’s definitely different and after an extensive google search, unique for photography and anything other than racing. It became and easy choice for me at that point. I ran with it, and created a brand around it.

What are three of your most favorite posts ?
“The Expectation That Photographers Should Work for Free”
is my favorite so far. Most people simply don’t understand what really goes into making good photos and everything that is involved in getting a shot. It has to be read to be completely understood from a photographers perspective.

“The Overlooked Importance of Wedding Photographers” was written after I did my best to clean up bad photos taken from a supposed professional photographer. I wanted to give people a source of information of questions to ask and things to look for when hiring a wedding photographer. No bride should ever have as bad a pics taken as what I tried to save. I hope people read it and pass it around to save someone some grief.

“When Spectrum’s Collide” – I like this one because I was approached by an online magazine to write an article explaining the technique I used to create a photo in my Smokie’s gallery. I had never written a how to article or blog and they also had a time slot on how fast they wanted it. I took it as a challenge, stepped up and came in ahead of schedule with it. In the end, there was only one edit they requested to the entire article, and I agreed with it, made the change and they ran with it. It was a nice experience and they have ran a second one as well.

The link will take anyone to my blog page, and you simply have to scroll down to read which one you are interested in. Comments can be made at the very bottom.

What keeps you ready and raring to post? Why do you blog?
These days it’s fulfilling to try and be informative. When you specialize in something, obviously you will have knowledge that others don’t and sharing that knowledge can help people out when they need it or are looking for it.

What can people expect when they hop onto your blog?
When I do write blogs, I try my best to be straight forward and informative. Hopefully someone will come away with a little something they might find useful.

How did you first get into photography?
Photography started for me my freshman year of high school. I have been with it ever since, now 32 years later. My profile on my web site goes fairly in depth about it for those who would like to know more.

Do you have any advice for any readers who may also be aspiring photographers?
Practice practice practice! I would definitely read some of my blogs, others you might like and read books, watch video workshops, attend a real workshop, take a class, buy magazines, or wherever else you can get information.

Photography is really hard work, but the passion for it outweighs all else. Remember, we learn by doing. I highly recommend making plans and goals and writing them down, then focus on what it takes to make your vision become reality.

I wear many hats in my world of photography. I shoot landscapes, did weddings for over 15 years, portraits, autos, etc, but also I do all my own design, retouching, photoshop, web coding, marketing and the business aspects that come with it. Photography is really a small percentage of what it really takes to be a full time photographer.

Is there anything else that you would like little Indiana readers to know about you or your blog?
All I can say is that I appreciate each and every person that lands on my site and looks at anything. I hope that you find the information useful and the work inspiring. Feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the blog page, or leave a comment in the guestbook gallery so that I know you visited.

Say “Cheese!” 

With the weather changing and flowers blooming, I can’t think of a better time to get out there with a camera! Thanks to Lee Mandrell for popping over to little Indiana today!

Find pictures in Indiana on my Flickr photostream or on the new little Indiana Tumblr blog.

Just don’t forget to tell ‘em that  little Indiana sent you!

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