Indiana Blogs: Just Like The Number

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker

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Indiana Blog: Just like the Number

Just Like the Number is an Indiana blog that covers all sorts of topics: Marriage, Indiana living, photography, kids, and cookin’! Mrs. Six has a fun writing style. She certainly tells it like it is.

When she’s not taking pictures of her family, she’s poring over magazines finding new recipes to try and share or offering up helpful reviews of items she’s found on the web. Is that fun or what?

Indiana Blogs: Just Like The Number

Why did you start Just Like The Number?
I started blogging back in 2006 for two reasons. One, I discovered my first blog. A friend of a friend had a photography blog that I started reading/stalking. I’d never seen anything like it and I was hooked.

We had just moved from Nashville, Tennessee to Fishers, Indiana and I was constantly sending e-mail updates and pictures to friends and family. I thought, “Huh, how hard can blogging be?” and a new obsession began.

What about that name? Where did you get the name of your blog, Just Like The Number?
My last name is Six. A simple name you think, but it confuses people to no end. Any time I have to give out my last name I wait for the perplexed look (in person) or the uncomfortable pause (on the phone), and say, “S-I-X. Just like the number.”

What are three of your most favorite posts?
Top 10 Reasons Why I Don’t Have Colts Season Tickets

Love Thyself

The Dangerous Park

What keeps you going? Why do you blog?
Blogging fulfills so many of my creative desires: writing, photography, cooking, etc. Even if no one read my posts but my husband, I would still blog, if for nothing more than to stretch those creative muscles. As a stay-at-home mom to two young children, that feels important to me, and it does a thing or two for my sanity.

I also love that I have this incredible record of our life as a family. Things that you can’t quite capture in a baby book or that would take hours to craft on a scrapbook page are easily blogged about. My daughter will go back and read old posts and just giggle and smile. That makes me very, very happy.

Finally, I love the community around blogging. I’ve met some fabulous people that have become real-life friends that I would have never crossed paths with had it not been for blogging.

Yeah, you blog about parenting and life with children, but there’s a lot more than that! What are some of your favorite topics to cover?
I know that I can’t hang with the amazing food bloggers out there, but I do love to blog about food occasionally. Whether it’s something awesome I’ve made or a great local place we’ve discovered, I enjoy sharing it with my readers. Really, I just love food all around. I also have a thing for the Indianapolis Colts. Something changes in me come August, and I just can’t resist injecting a little pigskin fever into this little mommyblog.

As an Indiana transplant, what were a few things that surprised you when you became a Hoosier?

I actually grew up in Fort Wayne and Noblesville, Indiana. I left for college and then spent 10 years in Nashville, Tennessee. I never really imagined that I would settle back in this area, but a job transfer and a desire to be closer to my aging parents changed that.

I’ve been surprised at how little time it takes you to become a winter weenie. Ten years of winters in the South have spoiled me. Come about the middle of January I’m over winter, but Indiana feels differently and doesn’t seem to tire of it until around mid-March.

Mostly, I was surprised at how much joy I would find in sharing things with my children that I did here as a child: picking strawberries at Spencers, apples at Stuckey Farm, visiting Conner Prairie and the Children’s Museum. I love that they’re developing the same fondness for the Midwest that I have.

Entertaining and Refreshing

What a great blog about a day in the life of a Hoosier. Just Like The Number is a fun read. So glad you could pop on over!

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