Indiana Blogs: From My Front Porch

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker

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Indiana Blogs: From My Front Porch

From My Front Porch is an Indiana blog that will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about life on a farm! Filled with pics of daily farm life and her family, it truly is an inside look at life on a farm.

From planting corn to weaning pigs and everything family–Jen doesn’t hold back! No matter whether she’s driving a tractor or gearing up for the busy fair season–I think you’ll enjoy her sense of humor through it all!

From My Front Porch

Why did you start From My Front Porch?
It sounded fun – I love the idea of keeping a journal or diary but am just not the traditional writing kind of person, someone told me I would be good at blogging and so, like everything else I do, I jumped in blindly with both feet and went for it! I love the idea that it combines both pictures and words to tell the story.

What are three of your most favorite posts?
My 3 favorite posts, truly a hard question because I LOVE my life and they are all about the things we do–but if I am “forced” to pick 3 it would have to be 3 that I think people could read and get a really good “synopsis” of our life and how we live so, here goes:

A guest post on Indiana Family of Farmers Blog : Raising Kids on The Farm.

The Campbell’s Are Ag Thankful!

This one would have to be a series: Our Yellowstone Trip – Here is the link to the first post and they go in order. It was an amazing 10 day trip done in total Campbell fashion with lots of laughs and memories!

What keeps you ready and raring to post? Why do you blog?
My life! I blog because it is my journal, my way to remember–so everyday is a blog post for me. Something happens every day around here that I just have to roll my eyes, laugh a little (or I might cry) and I say out loud “That is totally a blog post” and normally Chris or one of the kids say “Please Mom don’t blog about that!”

You’re a farmer–have you always been a farmer or is this something you had to get used to? Is there anything about farming you just can’t get used to?
I grew up on a farm but I will say that being a farmer’s wife and being a farm kid are two totally different things – each is completely amazing to me but are different.

This is a post on How I Got Here.

What’s your super secret hidden talent? Anything that you do really well that even people who know you would be surprised to know?
Wow–a hidden talent!

Well, I am pretty vocal so if I have any talents I have probably already announced it to everyone I know in pure excitement–but I’m not sure if talent is the right word but there is one thing I do know how to do that I have definitely kept hidden from people.

I can’t believe that I am about to admit this out loud )especially if my husband reads this and finds out) but here goes: I do know how to clean–there I said it! I just don’t like to clean, therefore, I hardly ever do it!

You occasionally talk food and recipes. What says “Perfect Dinner” to you?
Having all 5 of us at the table! Truly that is the idea of my “perfect dinner” – I have a saying painted on my kitchen wall “It isn’t so much what’s on the table that matters, as what’s on the chairs.” This says it all for me!

I love to cook and bake so my kitchen is always messy, I mean, busy. We all eat together at the table at least once a day so the kitchen is definitely the center of our home!


With a busy farming life like that, who can blame her? Thanks to Jen for popping over to little Indiana today and sharing her world with us!

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