Indiana Blogs: Creating a Better Tomorrow

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
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This marks another addition to the regular feature here at little Indiana: Indiana Blogs! If you are an Indiana Blogger, please use the contact form and send me an email. You may be featured right here on little Indiana.

Indiana Blogs: Creating a Better Tomorrow

Creating a Better Tomorrow is an Indiana blog with fitness, faith, and positive vibes an important part of each and every day.

Today’s Featured Blogger will get you moving! She’s passionate about fitness and inspiring others to look and feel their best–and shares her best tips with her readers.

Dig in to this Hoosier blog and get back to YOU again!

Indiana Blogs: Creating a Better Tomorrow

Why did you start Creating a Better Tomorrow? 
I started blogging in January 2013. Wow, time flies, cannot believe it is almost Fall! I honestly started my blog on a total whim and now I love it and the impact I can make through it. I wanted to share some of my past struggles, current focuses, and how I balance it all (or try to balance it all!).

Sometimes I feel as though the blog helps me more than others, but as the name says I truly want my readers to find a bit of motivation to make their tomorrow’s even better than their BEST today.

What about that name? Why Creating a Better Tomorrow?
If you ask anyone who knows me, I know they’d say I always wear a smile.

I was actually asked at work not too long ago if I ever had a bad day or ever didn’t smile. And you know what? I was honest, replied that yes I did/do, but that I think always wearing a smile and remembering that you can always (yes ALWAYS) make tomorrow better keeps my spirits high.

So there you go…Creating a Better Tomorrow (even in the not so great of times!).

What are three of your most favorite posts?

Total Breakdown
Praying Out Loud
Clothing Sizes

What keeps you ready and raring to post? Why do you blog?
Knowing that folks are reading is always exciting…I love seeing comments and getting questions about fitness and health. But more than anything just little comments from friends over dinner about my blog make me want to post more.

I’ve only been blogging a short while, but find that blogging is a sense therapeutic at times. And believe or not, now I think many times each day, ‘Oh that would be GREAT to blog about!’ and it is catching, my husband also notices topics that he thinks I should share with others.

Since starting my challenge groups, I feel accountable to them as well. I truly feel that I, if I put my mind and energy into it, can help to make this world a better place and help to improve the lives of others and my own. I want people to realize health, nutrition, and faith all work together to make better tomorrows!

Fitness is a big part of your life! What are a few of your favorite things?
I have been a Beachbody coach since late 2010. I was a runner before becoming a coach, but Beachbody has truly changed my outlook on nutrition and fitness. I love the various programs that Beachbody produces and promotes. They truly have something for everyone.

I am currently sidelined from running (completed my 2nd marathon late 2012) and am learning more about weight training and cross training. I find joy in sharing fitness with others, whether that is through Beachbody programs, group classes with friends, or just a long walk while we chat–fitness is addicting!

I saw something about a monthly challenge. What’s that all about?
I think accountability, motivation, and support are KEY to making any lifestyle change, and I believe anyone can make a change to a healthier lifestyle if they commit to it. I put on a free monthly challenge group. We pick a 30 day challenge (past groups include squats, planks, currently working on push ups) and then I moderate an online accountability group. There are fun posts, daily check-ins, and prizes.

I also help to facilitate a more intense Beachbody challenge group. In this challenge group, we focus on a Beachbody fitness program along with Shakeology and overall nutrition. The challengers see amazing changes that often truly change their outlook on life.

It amazes me what nutrition + fitness + accountability can do for folks.

You’ve got another big thing going on. Tell us about the debut of Monday Monthly Mailers!
YAY! Monday Monthly Mailers is growing like crazy and truly is awesome. I want to bring back ‘snail mail.’ So I just kicked off a new ‘project’ on my blog – you sign up to mail a random person (I’ll match you up with a mailer!). We all send our mail the first Monday of the month.

Fellow bloggers are blogging about it, and I hope even ‘non bloggers’ will join in the fun.

For a small price (46 cents), less than a cup of coffee, you can make a new mailer friend and brighten their day. I think it is everyone’s responsibility to spread optimism and for us all to work to make our lives a happier place!

Is there anything else that you would like little Indiana readers to know about you or your blog?
I love getting to know my readers – so check out my blog, comment away, send me ideas of topics you think I might like. Also, follow me on Facebook and Twitter. And I’d love to have you all join in a Challenge Group and Monthly Mailers–I’ve hopefully got a little of something for everyone!

Hoosier on the Go!

Feeling inspired? I thought so! Thanks to Sarah for sharing her world today!

Find pictures in Indiana on my Flickr photostream or on the new little Indiana Tumblr blog.

Just don’t forget to tell ‘em that  little Indiana sent you!

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