Indiana Blogs: Candidly Clyde

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
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This marks another addition to the regular feature here at little Indiana: Indiana Blogs! If you are an Indiana Blogger, please use the contact form and send me an email. You may be featured right here on little Indiana.

Indiana Blogs: Candidly Clyde

Indiana blog Candidly Clyde possesses a writing style that will pull you in and not let go. It’s like reading somebody’s journal–if the someone has a way with words.

Dawn has a knack for making the every day sound so very poetic. Each sentence seems so carefully and thoughtfully composed it is pure joy to read–her lovely images are an excellent bonus!

Her love for the written word shines through loud and clear. Indiana is lucky to have snagged this former Iowa gal!

Indiana Blogs: Candidly Clyde

Why did you start Candidly Clyde
I started blogging because I needed to write. I had dabbled in creative writing for years, and had kept journals since I was nine. But there was a time where, for several months, I stopped writing altogether.

After much encouragement from my then-boyfriend-now-fiance, I shared my first post on April 1, 2009. Over the years, my blog has morphed into an honest telling of memories and experiences. I share bits and pieces–images, words, stories–anything and everything that makes a day worth journaling.

What about that name? Why Candidly Clyde?
“Candidly Clyde” is a name that stems from my own beginning. When I was born, my parents were unable to settle on a name. So, for the first two days of my life, I was known as “baby Clyde” to both the hospital staff and my parents.

The word “candidly” alludes to bona fide reactions. As a blog, “Candidly Clyde” is a place where I can share my emotions and quirkiness, my love of my books, my devotion to people. I can obsess over words and feature my addictions to cats, kitsch, the big things, the small things. I can be me. I can be candidly Clyde.

What are three of your most favorite posts?

  • “Engaged” — This is the post where I announced our engagement, told our story, and shared photos. It was just the two of us at “our spot” (the Horticulture Park at Purdue). I had not been expecting it at all, and re-reading that post still brings me joy. It helps me remember the happy moments and phone conversations that followed it. Furthermore, I remember my friends’ reactions, some of which are hilarious. (And also blogged about.)
  • “Toronto Textiles & a Three-Course Dinner” — In August, my two best friends and I went on a week-long road trip. We spent a few days in Canada, mostly in Toronto. This post includes our visit to the textile museum, which was highly intriguing. (It’s what got me interested in textile art.) The post also includes our dinner conversation, which we had over wine and Caprese salad. It was my favorite meal from the entire trip, and–like the engagement post–it reminds me of how happy I was.
  • “Comparing Playgrounds” — In the fall of 2011, I moved to Indiana from southwest Iowa. Homesick and nostalgic, I compared my previous life to Indiana, my new “playground.” There are photos of my hometown, my “Indiana friends,” of Purdue and Omaha and everything that I loved. Everything that confused me. Everything that the strings of my heart tried to pull taut, hold close.

What keeps you ready and raring to post? Why do you blog?
I blog to remember, but what keeps me going is laughter, coincidences, and knowing that I can always look back.

What can people expect when they hop onto your blog?
Truth. Laughter. Honesty. Joy. Depression. Detail shots. Conversations. Recaps. Macros. Indianapolis. Indiana. Iowa. Omaha. Purdue. Analog photography. Handmade goods. Vintage finds. Family jokes. Inside jokes. Dreams. Ramblings. Cats. Kitsch.

You are a Hoosier transplant from Iowa. Is there anything about Indiana that has surprised you or that reminds you of home?
I’ve found entertainment in the fact that both Iowa and Indiana enjoy declaring various objects as “symbols of the state.” For Iowa, it’s the state rock (geode). For Indiana, it’s the state pie (sugar cream pie).

Speaking of sugar cream pie, I had never heard of it before moving to Indiana! My fiance (whose favorite pie is sugar cream) was appalled. He also teases me for my “Iowa accent.” (I apparently mispronounce the words “milk” and “lilac.”) Geographically, Indiana is actually flatter than Iowa. Where I’m from–the southwest part of the state–is somewhat hilly. I’m used to terraces (and unpredictable gas mileage).

From my experience, Iowa is also more humid than Indiana, and typically has more snow in the winter. Both states, however, take pride in their rural communities and agricultural natures. Hoosiers and Hawkeyes alike love their small towns.

So you like to read, eh? What are FIVE of your all time favorite books?
Such a torturous question! Alas (and in no particular order) …
1. “A Prayer for Owen Meany” by John Irving
2. “Home Country” by Ernie Pyle
3. “The Historian” by Elizabeth Kostova
4. “Maniac Magee” by Jerry Spinelli
5. “Bloomability” by Sharon Creech

If you could have a super power what would it be?
Teleportation. To be instanteously anywhere, with anyone I loved, would be gift.

Is there anything else that you would like little Indiana readers to know about you or your blog?
First, I was excited to be featured here on Little Indiana! Being included as a part of the Indiana blogging network is humbling. I’m actually from a small town myself (one of about 1,000 people), so Little Indiana definitely resonates with me.

I’d love to do some rural exploring in my adopted state. Furthermore, I have an (unhealthy?) obsession with abandoned buildings, and driving around usually leads me to some fascinating properties.

Hawkeye to Hoosier

Sugar Cream pie is an amazing invention–I only wish I had thought of it! Thanks to Dawn for stopping by and sharing her world with us!

Find pictures in Indiana on my Flickr photostream or on the new little Indiana Tumblr blog.

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