Indiana Blogs: Beta Motivation

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker

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Indiana Blogs: Beta Motivation

Beta Motivation is an Indiana blog that serves to inspire and enlighten–and urges you to stop being afraid to live your life!

A Nigerian transplant, Kola has world travel on the brain and a strong desire to make the world a better place.

Her frank, down to earth viewpoints just might be the kick in the pants you to need to get motivated. After all, as they say, you only live once!

Indiana Blogs: Beta Motivation

Why did you start Beta Motivation?
Beta Motivation is all about urging people to use their talents. Everybody has something to offer the world—Beta Motivation’s job is to encourage people to find those gifts and use them!

I’ve been blogging for a little over two years—ironically, I started out with a high security, password protected blog. You would have needed to email me for a password to get to any of the content. My friends still tease me about that.

What about that name? Why Beta Motivation?
Haha. That’s just my inner nerd coming out! In software development, “Beta” is the next level. Beta Motivation is the next level of motivation.

I cut to the chase and lay the cards on the table. People don’t always feel fluffy on the inside after reading my posts or listening to me speak. But they know they can always count on me to be helpful and honest.

What are three of your most favorite posts?
Oh that’s a tough one. I’ll have to go with the posts readers have “liked” the most.

  • A Tribute to My First Love
  • Let it Go, Woman!
  • Failure is So Real…

What keeps you ready and raring to post? Why do you blog?
Funny you should ask. I’m never actually ready and raring to post. I just go about my daily business and if I receive a thought that’s worth sharing, I blog about it.

My desire is to see more people doing the things that they were born to do—that’s why I blog. I want to see more people living with purpose and intense passion.

As a Hoosier transplant from Nigeria, what was the most startling adjustment to life in the Midwest?
Do you really want just one? I don’t know where to start. First of all, nobody told me about the corn fields. What’s up with that? and the cheese? Who puts cheese in macaroni? Haha!

I like the people though. People in the Midwest are so nice it’s a little scary. The other day, I dropped my pen at a coffee shop. I didn’t bother to move because I knew the guy nearby would pick it up.

In true Midwestern spirit, he got up, walked over and picked up the pen for me. It’s okay, you can judge me haha.

Do you have a life motto or quote that keeps you grounded?
“…because you only live once”

Why should you start that business? go sky diving? or show kindness to strangers? “because you only live once”

Life’s toughest decisions are a piece of cake when I have this at the back of my mind.

If you had to sum up your life by the title of a movie or book, what would it be?
No Encore (I totally made that up by the way but I think it would be a good summary title)

Is there anything else that you would like little Indiana readers to know?
I’m not entirely above bribery. If you join the mailing list on Beta Motivation, you’re automatically entered into a monthly cash raffle. Come one, come all. Good luck!

Hoosier Inspiration

Are you ready to live the dream now or what? Thanks, Kola, for stopping by little Indiana today!

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