Indiana Bloggers: Hoosier Updates from Around the Web 11/17/2013 — 11/23/2013

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
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Indiana Blogs: Hoosier Updates from Around the Web

I thought it would be fun to highlight one article each week from the Hoosier bloggers you know and love. You know, previously Featured little Indiana Bloggers!

Just like the bloggers, no two weeks will ever be the same! Like a fine box of Indiana chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.

If you are an Indiana blogger and would like to be featured on little Indiana, please let me know via email or in the comments below. Now, let’s get caught up with what our Hoosier bloggers were doing this week!

Indiana Blog Updates

The categories may change each week but look for the bold-faced category items to easily navigate to the topics you prefer.

Recipes and Food

Sarah Lynn’s Sweets: Ideas for Thanksgiving: Holiday Cake– A cute cornucopia cake!

Eternal Lizdom: Thanksgiving Menu – Check! #RespectTheTurkey – Gearing up for a Thanksgiving feast makes this blogger happy!

A Latte with Ott, A: Ginger & Pear Beet Soup – When life hands you a bag of beets, you figure out a warm, satisfying soup.

BoilermakerAg: Transforming Lives Through the Power of Food – Marion County Young Farmers Volunteer at Second Helpings – Digging in and helping out at Second Helpings!

Everyday Mom’s Meals: A Forgotten Veggie – Sauteed Parsnips, an easy and delicious side item.

Girls in White Dresses: Menu Plan Monday: Pizza, Spaghetti Pie, and Chicken Parmesan are on the list this week.

A Couple Cooks: Vegetarian Thanksgiving 2013 –  A slew of items to jazz up any turkey day table–for Vegetarians and non-Vegetarians alike!

Treble in the Kitchen: Sneaky Sweet Potato Chocolate Smoothie – It might sound like an odd ingredient, but sweet potatoes thicken up a smoothie–and add a healthful kick.

Something Monumental: Green Apple Smoothie – Pretty and bright, this smoothie makes a perfect snack anytime.

Travel and History

Arrows Sent Forth: Tips for Visiting Stratford-upon-Avon with Kids -- Where do you begin? This blogger  knows!

Historic Indianapolis: Indianapolis Then and Now: Louisa Magruder’s House, 564 N. Highland Avenue – Born into slavery, Louisa nannied three generations of General Noble’s family. After the Civil War, she was given land by his granddaughter.

Education and Crafts

Woodclinched: Is it just me, or does the new Field Notes “Cold Horizon” color remind you of something… – A comparison. Do you see it?

Acton Creative: Check it off the list! – The completion of a project and the whole beautiful bolt of fabric she created!

Granola Mom 4 God: Media Monday: Song(s) for Kids to Memorize – Just don’t let them know you want them to memorize them.

Mouse in My Pocket: The Push to Create New Content — A bit of rethinking to keep her creativity intact.

Indiana Authors and Writers

Marian Allen: The Weirdest Thing About Writing – When a character in her story makes a bad decision, she wrestles with the results.

That Darn Kat: When I’m wiser and I’m older -- Letting go to become yourself.

Indiana Fashion and Clothing

Tulle and Trinkets: Oldie but Goodie — A favorite dress and accessories.

Sarah’s Real Life: Wardrobe Workhorse: Pavé Link Bracelet – Chunky yet classic, this accessory has been worn more than forty times!


Walking the Off-Beaten Path: Two Forces That Should Never Be Underestimated: Community and Weather – “…every little town will start to gather up what they have and take care of their own. ”

Tales from the Coop Keeper: Hunkered – Waiting out the storm.

Back Home Again: Christmas Before Thanksgiving? No Thanks! – Why do people rush the holiday season?

Jean’s Boots are Made for Talking: Twelve Mares and a Gelding – A fixer upper in progress.

Small Towns: Destinations, not Drive-Thrus! I’m Jessica Nunemaker and THIS is little Indiana!

Find pictures in Indiana on my Flickr photostream or on the new little Indiana Tumblr blog.

Just don’t forget to tell ‘em that  little Indiana sent you!

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