There was a story three years ago about an American female student who went to study in India on a student exchange program and came back to America diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I know my first reaction was “Oh, this is just some crybaby Western Woman who is exaggerating,” but after second thought, I began to understand the real trauma she had been through.
Imagine you are a woman and everywhere you walk, you have hundreds of men staring at you, some of them making obnoxious comments toward you and sometimes even grabbing your ass or breasts. Having to endure that kind of abuse for months would cause someone to have a bit of a mental breakdown.
After the gang rape in 2012 of that girl in New Delhi, tourism rates dropped 25%. Even the embassies of some countries have issued travel warnings for women talking about the very real dangers faced by foreign female tourists in India.
The worst part of all of it was the reactions of some Indians. A few Indian women replied with comments along the lines of, “Women are abused everywhere, not just India.” One Indian woman mentioned she felt like she was being stalked when she had lived in Paris for a year. And of course Indian men wrote comments basically saying, “How dare you try to hurt India’s image! Don’t you know that America has a higher rate of rape than India?”
It was the typical idiotic nationalistic/patriotic bullshit, as usual. Indians cannot handle even the slightest criticism of their country, even when women are getting openly raped and murdered in the street!
A large percentage of Indian men blamed the rape on the victim, saying things like, “She shouldn’t have been out that late,” (It was only 9 PM), “She must have been dressed in a slutty way,” or “She must have provoked the men by arguing with them.” Fuck it, I’ll go ahead and list the full quotes below, just so that you can see how evil a lot of Indian men are:
“A girl is far more responsible for rape than a boy.”
“A decent girl won’t roam around at 9 o’clock at night. … Housework and housekeeping is for girls, not roaming in discos and bars at night doing wrong things, wearing wrong clothes.”
“If a girl is dressed decently, a boy will not look at her in the wrong way,” Khattar told reporters, “Freedom has to be limited. These short clothes are Western influences. Our country’s tradition asks girls to dress decently.”
“All by herself till 3 a.m. at night in a city where people believe…you know…you should not be so adventurous.”
“We have to strike a balance. On the one hand you want to have a promiscuous culture, and on the other hand you want a safe and secure environment for the people,” and “Should couples be allowed to kiss in public?…Should they be allowed to indulge in all obscene things?”
Magneto’s comment:
What the fuck is wrong with you? Seeing other men and women kissing and holding hands in public will drive you to rape them? Sorry, but this is not about sex. This is about your Beta male envy and rage. Does anyone remember Elliot Rodgers? He went around filming couples holding hands and kissing in public and making envious and jealous comments about them. He later went on a shooting spree and killed a few people, and his motivation was because he was a 22 year old virgin who couldn’t get a girlfriend. This is not about sexual repression. It’s about mental illness.
Most Indian men are Beta males who cannot stand to see other men be successful with women and will do anything to sabotage them and cockblock them. They are so busy hating on successful men that they have no time left over to work on improving their own Game and trying to become successful with women themselves. They would rather just sit on the sidelines and criticize successful people than do anything to improve their own lives.
This is just so fucking petty. Indians are an incredibly envious group of people, and that’s why they are such nasty, passive-aggressive people and why no sane person wants anything to do with them. That’s the reason why Indians end up living isolated within their own communities and ghettos. It’s like they never matured out of that early teenage phase where if you see a girl talking about sex with a man, you feel really angry, jealous and insecure. Indian men have literally never matured past a pre-teenager level of maturity. It’s no wonder Indian women hate Indian men so much nowadays.
(end of Magneto’s comment)
“The victim is as guilty as her rapists…She should have called the culprits brothers and begged before them to stop.”
“Women are ‘equally responsible’ for crimes committed against them.”
“Women should not venture out with men who are not relatives.”
“What is happening is we have imbibed the US. We have lost all the values we had in cities.”
Magneto’s comment:
Indian men blaming everything on White people, America, and Western culture, as usual. Nope, the real reason is because you Indian men never matured past your puberty stage of development, so you act like a bunch of immature, petty, envious, Beta teenage boys. If you see a boy and girl kissing or holding hands, you burn with jealousy, and all you can think of is, “How can I stop them? How can I destroy their relationship?” Beta male rage can literally lead to rape and murder.
Alpha men do not attach value to any particular woman or put women on a pedestal, so an Alpha male would never consider a woman important enough to want to kill her or kill for her. People think Alpha male behavior causes violence but actually it’s Beta male behavior. Beta males tend to repress their anger and envy until one day it just explodes and they end up doing something horrible like killing someone. That’s why guys in the Manosphere who are training men how to be Alpha are actually saving lives.
(end of Magneto’s comment)
“Where ‘Bharat’ becomes ‘India’ with the influence of Western culture, these type of incidents happen.”
-“If consensual sex with a 16-year-old is not rape, why can’t girls be married at 16?”
Magneto’s comment: Well actually I would agree with this one. The age of consent is a joke. As long as a girl has reached puberty, and has developed physically (breasts), it is not pedophilia. It was perfectly normal for men to marry 13 or 14 year old girls for centuries until the modern feminist culture made such practices illegal. It’s normal for men to be attracted to young women.
I remember one guy even telling me, “God designed women to be at their most attractive right at that same time when they are experiencing puberty.” And either way, it’s totally normal for 14, 15, or 16 year old girls to be having sex nowadays. So why should it be illegal for an older man to have sex with them? I guess all those feminist spinsters who spent their youth chasing their career only to find out that there’s no Prince Charming waiting for them after they hit the wall at age 30 and they end up growing old alone with their 10 cats feel extremely bitter if they see a man of their same age going for an 18 year old girl. Ugly, bitter, older single women are probably the real cultural force behind the demonization of older male-younger female relationships.
(end of Magneto’s comment)
“’Pretty women’ who protest against rapes are ‘dented and painted.'”
“Just because the country attained independence at midnight, is it proper for women moving at midnight?”
Rapes are on the rise because “men and women interact with each other more freely now.”
If women dress provocatively, then “rapes are not in the control of the police.”
Magneto’s comment: Sure, if I see a hot Indian chick wearing short shorts or a mini-skirt, I’ll indeed look at her and check out her ass. Maybe that makes me a male chauvinist pig or whatever, but I have never had the urge to grab her and drag her into a dark alley and gang rape her. All of the rape in India is not caused by sexual repression but by some deep psychological/sexual issues that Indian men are clearly suffering from. “How dare that hot woman dress like that? I’ll teach her a lesson by raping her!”
Here’s a better idea. Instead of raping a woman, learn some social skills. Stop being an autistic retard. Learn how to flirt with women. Learn how to dress instead of looking like some idiot wearing bell bottoms out of a ’70’s disco movie. Learn how to escalate with women and how to take control and seduce them.
But nope. Instead of improving themselves, Indian men would rather just sit back and act like a bunch of Uber-Beta losers. Angry that they’ll never have that hot girl, they will sit there and whine, “Why is she such a slut?”, “Why does she dress like a whore,” or “If she gets raped, she deserves it.” This is all simply caused by Beta male impotent rage.
At the same time, because India is a matriarchal society that is ruled by women, Indian men never have any positive male role models to aspire after. And Indian women themselves will viciously tear down any masculine, strong, Alpha Indian man, resulting in there being no masculine Alpha male role models to follow. It’s a vicious cycle, and Indian women are not completely blameless either.
Ultimately I’ve simply come to the conclusion that the Indian race is a subhuman race, and this is caused by their genetics, their DNA, and there is nothing they can do to ever change. The question the West will need to ask themselves is, “Do we want to keep importing these subhumans into our countries or rather should we ban all immigration from India and isolate India politically, economically, and culturally?” I hope that the West will evolve out of it’s “antiracism” childishness and into a more mature “race realism” mindset, because only then will Westerners be willing to make such hard decisions. And unless the West takes such hard decisions and takes them very soon, the entire Western world is doomed to destruction and extinction.