“Independence Difficult to Achieve in Catalonia” Says Jodi Pujol

By Stizzard

Jordi Pujol, former ex president of the Generalitat of Catalonia has stressed that regional independence “is very difficult,” but added that “there would be people to defend it”.
Pujol says that “Catalonia is not going to give up” because he feels that the region is under siege.
It also says that Spain has fallen into the trap of the “nouveau riche”.

During his participation yesterday (Thursday) in a panel discussion held in Altea (Alicante), entitled ‘Regional State. Current and future challenges’, Jordi Pujol has admitted that the independence of Catalonia is “almost impossible” and has warned that “if it goes on like this” Catalonia would not be viable”, referring to the choking of the autonomous region.

The former leader also stressed that “regional independence is a very difficult task” but added that “there would certainly be people that defended the ideal and not just for honor”. He went on to say that: “If you accept the Constitutional Court and the Spanish institutions as they work today, we’d be left for dead”.

He indicated that “Catalonia is not going to give up” because “it feels as if it is under siege”. He also spoke about the peaceful manifestation on the streets of Barcelona on 11th September stating that there were a million and a half people and no incidents.People with babies in prams could be seen. No storefronts were smashed and no rubbish containers were burned either.