Independence Day

By Danielleabroad @danielleabroad
Following a busy weekend of friends and dancing, food and beaching, I wanted July 4th to be a relaxing one. It was. I got back to my apartment and took a rare but necessary nap. I woke up again, mid-afternoon, and left only to visit the specialty food store so that I could purchase a few ingredients for this incredible salad (pictures to come). Then I read for a bit before packing a picnic to watch the Hudson River fireworks at Riverside Park with my roommates. It was a magical evening. The kind of evening where you feel like you're exactly where you're supposed to be, and still you're impressed with your surroundings. Sure I have doubts, I hardly have anything figured out, and I'm struggling with the stresses of "adult" life, but I also have faith in the fact that I'm living the life that I want to live. And that is something to be forever thankful for. Wine spritzers, cheese, fireworks and all. God bless America, and the rest of the world too.