The Nexus Q was announced at the 2012 Google IO conference, where it was met with some wonderment as developers realised the device was of more use as a door stop than as a media device in the home. In essence the issue was that although the device could do some neat stuff, it didn’t do anything fully another device did and nor did it fill a need in the market.
Direct quote from the email:
The industrial design and hardware were met with great enthusiasm. We also heard initial feedback from users that they want Nexus Q to do even more than it does today. In response, we have decided to postpone the consumer launch of Nexus Q while we work on making it even better.
In addition to postponing the launch of the Nexus Q they have also told those who pre-ordered that the device will be given to them for free once it is released, eventually. The device was originally available to pre-order for $299 USD, and was given away for free with other devices to developers at the conference.
The Nexus Q when announced would stream media content to a HD TV, had NFC controls, 1GB of Ram and 16GB of internal storage. It also had bluetooth and wireless, of and some lovely LED’s.
At this point Google has not indicated what it will be adding to the Nexus Q media device, but for them to pull it from the Play Store and take this action means it must be a big overhaul. Rumours indicate however that this could be to add more functionality such as adding Google TV to the device or making it easier to use for those who aren’t techies with banana plugs floating around their house.
Thank you for reading Google announces an indefinite delay to orders of the Nexus Q, originally published on TechDrink. Ben Greenwood is the founder and editor of TechDrink. You can follow him on Twitter and Google+. You can also follow TechDrink on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.