Incredible Benefits of Cherries

Posted on the 03 November 2018 by Health_news

Cherries are a perfect snack on a hot day, at a picnic, or as part of a meal. Cherries are more than just their great taste but offer many health benefits, including help with insomnia, joint pain and belly fat. Cherries could be just as what the doctor ordered.


Cherries are a great source of antioxidants particularly Anthocyanin which provides the red color. According to the experts by the Journal of Neuroscience, antioxidant-rich foods can actually reverse the age-related deficits like motor function and memory. The antioxidants prevent Alzheimer's and Huntington's disease.


The same anti-inflammatory effects that aid runners also prevent gout.

Cherries lower your uric acid levels reducing the stiffness and swelling and minimize the risk of gout up to 50%. Cherries also reduce pain from Osteoarthritis while improving the joint function.


Melatonin occurs in cherries naturally, that leads to a longer and more restful sleep. If you struggle to sleep at night, then a handful of cherries will help you.

Always buy cherries that are plump with glossy skin and are stored in a breathable bag. Removing the stems will spoil the cherries, so eat the ones without the stems first. Enjoy them during the summer months and freeze them when they are best.