Increasing Website Engagement: 16 Must-Follow Tips

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

In today's digital world, online customer experience is the determining factor for brand loyalty. Therefore, you cannot overlook website engagement. The primary key to increasing web engagement is an appealing design. However, there are alternate factors that play a role as well.

In this article, we'll explain what website engagement is and provide you with some tips on increasing your website engagement.

What is Website Engagement

Website engagement is how well a brand can catch and retain visitors' attention and how they find value in what you have to offer. The higher your website engagement, the more likely customers are to become loyal.

Why is Website Engagement Important?

Before we explain how to increase website engagement, let's take a look at why it's essential. By measuring certain website metrics, you can determine how your visitors' experience is. Here are the key metrics that website engagement can help you measure:

16 "Must Do" Tips for Improving Website Engagement

If you are running a website, it's critical that you build and maintain a healthy relationship with your visitors- and encourage them to visit again. Here are some website engagement ideas to help you convert visitors to customers.

Customers get frustrated when visiting a website if they have to wait long to answer a question or concern they have. However, one study revealed that when a brand answers a question in under 1 minute, they are 59% more likely to make a purchase.

You can reduce the impact of long wait times by implementing live chat on your site. This allows you to engage with your visitors in real-time.

are dramatically changing the way brands interact/engage with visitors to their websites. This conversational tool provides personalized support when your support team is not available. Some research shows that 35% of customers will engage with a website that uses a chatbot.

AI is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and can engage customers when your live chat support is unavailable. They can answer simple questions and decrease support tickets.

A company that provides live customer engagement tools is more likely to build personal relationships with its customers. For example, video chat and co-browsing provide the ability to have a face-to-face conversation with customers.

This makes the conversation more effective and interactive. This is ideal for a situation where technical concepts and complex processes are involved.

Every website has a purpose- and the primary objective is to make sure that your message is clear to your visitors. When your message is clear, you engage visitors in a good way.

When visiting a website, the first thing people do is check social proof or look for stats. In fact, 70% of people said they trust consumer opinions. You can find social evidence in the form of start ratings, reviews, testimonials, and more. You can increase conversions by including this information on your site.

A call-to-action prompts visitors to complete specific tasks- such as "Join Now" or "Add to Cart." Your CTAs need to be spread across your website to improve customer engagement. This can include prompts to comment on articles, subscribe to an email list, or connect with you via social media.

The average consumer expected a business to understand their needs and provide solutions. If a company does not make an effort to communicate with them meaningfully, they will leave the site and not connect.

The more personalized you can make your messaging come on, the more likely the customer will respond. You can use the data from your analytics to create a plan for marketing messages that are focused on the customer.

In today's society, we are always on the go. This means that most people are connecting to websites via their mobile devices. It just means that you must make your site mobile-friendly. If your mobile visitors do not have a good experience on your site, you will possibly lose a significant portion of your traffic.

With today's "instant gratification" mindset, if a website doesn't load quickly, a visitor will lose interest and move on. Just one second of delay can decrease conversion rates by 7%. Therefore, do some research and figure out what you can do to reduce the amount of time it takes for your site to load.

Everyone loves the chance to win a contest/prize. A well-planned and executed giveaway can be a great way to increase traffic to your website as well as engagement. Your regular visitors will be compelled to join and will also share it and bring in new ones.

One of the best ways to promote your website and increase engagement is by offering coupons, discounts, and deals. If you are an eCommerce site, this will convince your potential customers to give you a try. 61% of customers who are given a coupon will end up using them.

We already mentioned making your message (purpose of the website) clear. Now we'll look at making your brand message clear. This is what your brand promises.

You want to make sure to choose the right messaging so that it resonates with your visitors. If your core message isn't clear, visitors will ultimately decline. Your brand message needs to point out benefits, not features.

If you are focused on the experience you are providing for your customer, you have a chance of retaining them-everything you make impacts how your customer sees you and whether or not they return to your site.

A great experience comprises all interactions that a customer has with the business, from navigation around the website, interaction with customer service associates, and finally, purchasing a product/service.

In the world of marketing, a broad net is not likely to catch anything. Therefore, you must segment your visitors to increase engagement. A targeted marketing strategy allows you to break down the large market into smaller segments to focus on a specific group of people and how you can meet their needs/problems.

When you visit a website, you expect to be able to navigate it easily. However, this is not always the case. Still, navigation is one of the most critical aspects to consider when designing a website. Furthermore, it is one of the best tools for improving website engagement.

Finally, the best way to engage your audience is to find out the preferences of your audience. If you know what they like, you know how you can meet them.


Website engagement will not only help you sell your goods/services it will also increase customer loyalty. The primary key is an appealing website design. However, several other things can impact customer engagement, as listed here. Contact to learn more about website engagement.