When we have big decisions to make or strategies to define, it helps to have a team of experts to work with. Wouldn’t you love to get advice from a dream team that includes people like Einstein, Jack Canfield, Oprah, or Richard Branson?
Well, you can. Sort of…
- Start with a meditation or a few deep relaxing breaths.
- Visualize a room in your mind where you will meet with your experts. Decorate it any way that you want.
- Start pulling in the people, living or dead, you would like to support you. Usually, a 2-6 member team works best.
- Now, go into that room with a question or issue and brainstorm, listen, and learn from your team.
This strategy has been used by some of the most respected leaders and creators of our time. Keep your dream team in that room for whenever you need them. Sometimes it feels good just to know they are there.
Who would you have on your dream team?
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