in Your Dog’s Easter Bonnet

By Ciciwriter @suemagic

Does your pooch have an Easter bonnet or gift basket? Whether or not you celebrate Easter or Passover or whatever holiday or not, you can still have some fun with an Easter Egg dog hunt on Sunday, March 31… can be for treats, bones, toys, whatever gets your dog in the mood for fun…dogs love finding treats in the grass so why not give them some special time and treats to hunt for. Cici loves to sniff the grass at the park near our house every day and she comes up with all kinds of awful surprises. This could be a fun way to channel your dog’s inner sleuth in a positive way.

An Easter outfit with bonnet is optional, but here’s how to make a costume if you must


Your back yard or closest dog park or even a room in your home can suffice to be the place where your doggie will sniff out his prizes… If you want to take photos of the event, you probably should take them before the treasure hunt unless you want some photos of your dog with their goodies and their costume off.

Suggested prizes: 

an Easter bunny stuffed animal

a hardboiled egg or two

small bits of cheese cut up into squares

a bone (deer antler perhaps)

a few cookies (homemade or others)

chicken or turkey jerky or bits of hot dogs

some kibble thrown around in the grass

If your dog is a seder dog who celebrates Passover, the treats can be appropriate to that holiday. For instance, bits of gefilte fish, tuna, and/or salmon.

DO NOT give any dogs chocolate treats since chocolate is toxic for dogs.

If your dog is a piglet like Cici, do not toss out too many treats for your pooch to consume or they will eat all of it and then still want to eat their meals. These treats can replace one meal that you normally feed them.

On a larger scale, this can make a great charity fundraiser for your local pit bull rescue or shelter and an adoption event, to boot. For a community dog hunt, use plastic eggs and put the treats inside the eggs for the dogs to find. Have someone dress up as the Easter Bunny so pet guardians can take photos with the bunny and their pooches. Be creative. Offer fun dog activities such as agility, a parade, some donor booths filled with goodies and food for humans and pooches. Sponsors from the local community who donate will get Free publicity and a tax write off.

Please let us know about your event at home or in the community and send us photos of your dogs in bunny ears/outfits.

Below is one event taking place in the Sacramento area soon…

here is an event taking place in New Jersey