In Turkey: Newspaper Art Director Arrested Following Coup

Posted on the 08 August 2016 by Themarioblog @garciainteract
In Turkey: newspaper art director arrested following coupIn Turkey: newspaper art director arrested following coup
Fevzi opens the +1T Design Days conference in Istanbul in 2015
In Turkey: newspaper art director arrested following coupIn Turkey: newspaper art director arrested following coup
Fevzi and I when he visited the Columbia University campus this past winter to film a design documentary

Those of us in the design community who know, admire and have worked with Fevzi Yazici are saddened to hear of his arrest. 

Fevzi is not just the talented art director of Zaman, one of the best designed newspapers in the world, but also a tireless organizer of design conferences to encourage the study of newspaper/editorial design, a passion that he shared with the rest of the world via his annual +1T Design Days conference in Istanbul. I, like many other designers from around the world, have been honored to speak at this conference and that is how we got to know about Fevzi and the incredibly good work he has carried out.

To have one of us arrested in the midst of the political turmoil now embracing Turkey is definitely sad news and I hope that we all become aware of what Turkey's citizens are presently going through . Fevzi is one of many journalists 

We are all in total solidarity with Fevzi and his fellow journalists who find themselves in the middle of this surrealistic----but very realistic----situation.

More about the arrests

The +1T Design Days conference

Last year was the 10th year of the event. Here is a video about the Conference

My talk at the +1T Design Days Conference 2015

TheMarioBlog post # 2465
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