In the Pink

By Sofiaessen

“In thePink” meant to be at the very pinnacle of something in the 16thcentury, not necessarily referring to health. Mercurio says, “Why, I am thevery pinke of curtesie” in Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet.  I’m feelingthe very pink of everything at the moment. Summer is just around the cornerhere in Crete, and the promise of continuous sunshine has put a spring in mystep. Today, I plan to head into Chania Town and buy a pair of pink sandals I caughta glimpse of in a shop window last week. Pinksandals! Yes, I can practically hear your eyebrows rise toward your hairline. You’retaking a look at the page on your computer screen and noticing there is quite alot of pink staring back at you from my blog. You catch sight of the cutelittle lapdog and now you think you’ve got me pegged, don’t you? I bet you’reready to label me as one of those women who spend hours in front of the mirrortoying with her makeup before she goes out. You’re about to conclude I’m avapid shopaholic with nothing on her mind but acquiring the latest Prada thisor Chanel that.  Well, you’rewrong. I don’t wear makeup and I occasionally think about things other thanshopping. I do own a fashionable canine which perfectly accessorizes all of myoutfits very well, but I’m not an “It Girl” wannabe. I simply happen to lovepink! I’m off tohunt down those pink sandals. While I’m in town I’m going to hit the videostore and rent The Pink Panther, which is one of my favorite movies. PeterSellers is hilarious as the bumbling French police detective InspectorJacques Clouseau