In The Midst Of Struggle

By Momatlast @momatlast

By Earon Ann Harwell

During the course of life there are so many different things that we begin to face that scare us or make us want to give up. However, it’s those times in life that God teaches us to grow the most. We can struggle with these moments all we want, but the truth of the matter is that without times like this to help us grow we would be nothing. God is so faithful to help us get through these times, and often all we do is complain. I’ve been there so many times.

When I found out that my husband and I couldn’t have kids I was crushed, and even more so when he informed me that he never wanted them to begin with. I felt cheated, but what I couldn’t see when going through this is that God was teaching my husband how to overcome his fear. He was scared of everything, of being a bad father, of his child being like him, of his kids not liking him and so many more things that I would have a hard time fitting them all into one article. The point is, that God was moving in his heart through our struggles with infertility. God was also showing us that he had a different plan. He took us from childless to giving other children a home. In three months we went form zero to five children. Needless to say, I was scrambling, but God was good and knew how to help me through.

If we were able to have our own children we would have never considered fostering, adoption or any other form of bringing children into our home. Through this whole process God has taught us patience, longsuffering, endurance, loving kindness and gentleness. These things are all fantastic qualities to have, but I know that He is not done with us yet. God has been moving us toward the possibility of adopting another baby, and we are still hopeful that he will allow us to conceive and give birth to a child, but if he doesn’t we know that God is still God.

This is certainly not the end of our story. It is only the beginning, should God tarry and we remain for the entirety of our life here on earth, rather than him taking us home, then there is certainly more to come after this. Looking back on those moments I know that God has blessed us, looking back I can see our growth. You see, it’s in those difficult moments that we wish we weren’t in, that God grows us into what he wants us to be. Sure maybe he wishes that we wouldn’t have gotten ourselves into some of the situations we get into, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t use those situations for good once we’re in them. He would have chose something different for us but regardless he wants to turn it around and make it something that will glorify his name.

Someone wise once said, ‘It takes a village to raise a child,’ but what does it take to raise a child of the Kingdom? The Prayer of a Parent, by Earon Harwell, takes readers through a life-altering examination of the Scriptures, connecting the gaping chasm between the God of all the earth and the children who hold the future of the earth in their hands.

About the Author

The book is available from: Visit The Prayer Of A Parent’s: Official Website

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Image courtesy of [Evgeni Dinev] /