in the Mean Time

By Cestlabellevie @cestlabelle_vie

1 & 2: last shots in my old apartment (that I dearly miss) / 3 & 4: Bumbershoot crowds & Noah Gunderson / 5: last quiet moments of my graduation party / 6: chocolate blackberry cupcakes (to die) / 7: calm before the storm / 8 & 9 & 10: the most beautiful wedding and the most beautiful couple / 11: my new room / 12: my new office / 13: necessity / 14: a walk in the pacific northwest / 15 & 16: beach time.
It's been too long, mes amis. My internship has got me absolutely swamped & I am missing posting and reading your blogs so, so much! Here is a quick update in the best way I know how: instagram. Expect a real one soon, meaning the next time time I have a moment to breathe again. In the mean time, update me: how are y'all? tell me everything! xo Charity
e. magnolia vintage