In the Belly of the Beast of the Deep State: A Look at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

Posted on the 17 November 2015 by Calvinthedog

US foreign policy could be best described as “The Foreign Policy of the Billionaires.” It’s great for the billionaires and multinationals and bad for everyone else, including ordinary Americans and ordinary people all over the world.

There is an organization called the CFR, the Council on Foreign Relations. It’s bipartisan.

Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, Feith, Wolfowitz, all of them, are members of former members.

That’s the “right” wing of the CFR.

But the Obama Administration is full of CFR types. Kerry (married to a billionaire), Biden (former member), Woolsey, Ashton Carter. You go down the list, and you wonder just who in the Obama Administration is not part of the CFR.

That’s the “left” wing of the CFR.

Welcome to the CFR, where “liberal” Jews like Barry Diller and Matt Dimon rub shoulders and pal it up with their best friends, arch “conservatives” like Rupert Murdoch. But really the media, Hollywood, Silicon Valley elites want the exact same thing as the Olin or Coors Foundation. The Jew York Times is not much different from Fox News. The agenda of both is “everything for the corporations oligarchs, and nothing for anybody else.”

Don’t be fooled that a “liberal” billionaire is all that different from a “conservative” billionaire. The best analysis is of course a Marxist one, which shows that despite their supposed ideological differences, both “left” and “right” billionaires and corporate executives share the same class interests that trump any intra-oligarch disputes they may have. t

The CFR is more or less ground zero for the Deep State. This is where all of US foreign policy originates – the CFR. Of course many other entities are also part of the Deep State, but the CFR is one of the top nodes. And it doesn’t matter anyway as all of the pieces of the Deep State are in agreement with each other.

The people on the board of the CFR are all representatives of large multinational corporations, especially finance and oil.

Think about that.

Exposes have been written about the CFR that flat out state that large US corporations frankly run US foreign policy via the CFR. These exposes show that the CFR works to further the goals of US foreign policy which are to open up the world for exploitation, abuse and rape by US multinationals. The CFR also works to take out any regimes or parties that are not friendly to having US corporations take over their resources and exploit them. The enemies of the CFR are socialist, nationalist and Communist regimes because they believe that their countries’ resources should be utilized for their countrymen, not raped by US multinationals with pennies left over for the country itself.

So there you have it. The Deep State works for huge US corporations. The big US corp[orations work for the Deep State. It’s all one entity. The strands of the Deep State are like ivy all wrapping around, into and out of each other to where you can’t tell where “private” and “public” begins and ends, and you can’t tell what is a part of what or what, what is subordinate to what, or what takes orders from what. Like untangling ivy vines, you get lost when you try to tease it all art.

The best way to see it is that all of the Deep State is part of all of the rest of the Deep State. The corporations and the billionaires are deeply embedded in the Pentagon and the CIA. And the CIA is enmeshed all throughout most US corporations.

Want to put something on your resume that will look better than anything else in terms of getting hired and promoted? Work for the CIA for a few years and put the Agency down as reference. Agency people are all through the corporate elite, and corporate types area all wrapped up in the Agency.

In a way, they’re the same thing.