In The Age Of Super Computers Google Says “Quantum Supremacy” Is Achieved

Posted on the 23 October 2019 by Jitender Sharma

Google has officially announced that its quantum supremacy is achieved. This is an announcement that exactly comes after one month of its achievement. However, it is official but the research details are now public. Therefore, the border scientific community can now fully scrutinise what Google says it is achieved.

According to Google, it is a 54 qubit sycamore processor. It can very easily perform a calculation in just 200 seconds. Hence, this statement has clarified that this is one of the most super-fast computers from the last 10,000 years. It all means that the calculation has involved random numbers, which is very much difficult to do on non-quantum computers.

In The Age Of Super Computers Google Says “Quantum Supremacy” Is Achieved

Unsurprisingly, the IBM Company that operated supercomputer has beaten that key quantum computer competitor. According to Google, the company says that the same task can easily be performed on a classical system in just 2.5 days, rather than 10,000 years. This is exactly what Google is claiming.

Recently, IBM has also said that Google has failed to fully account for disk storage. They failed when we were estimating how long the supercomputers can take to perform these calculations. Despite all these attempts of IBM to downplay the achievements of Google, there were many that were welcoming this news. There were so many people in the research community that was welcoming this news.

We are still very much away from having a supercomputer. But they are very much useful for calculating things while doing useful practical tasks. Hence, Google has also proved that we can also have a future that is impossible. We can also have this such a future in the first place.

Therefore, quantum computing is a very early and advanced stage of computing technology. Which is still at a relative and very early stage.

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