In Summation

By Daisyjd

I promise we are all alive and well over at Casa de Daisy & B. Work has been busy for the both of us, throw in a monster Daycare Virus (nothing serious, but in the spirit of sharing it has felled the household) and a visit from my family, brother included, Busy is the word of the day. Which isn’t special or new or anything- everyone is busy, full stop. But! When I reach High Levels of Busy I stop doing things like blogging or jumping on Ye Old Facebook/Twitter. So! Here I am! Alive and well-ish, minus the sinus pressure.

My parents and brother came into town on Friday afternoon (parents took a daytrip on Saturday leaving the brother to hang in Chicago with us) bringing the last Christmas gift stragglers that didn’t fit into luggage in December, which means I was reunited with my cappuccino maker and Gracie was reunited with her doll high chair. Love at second sight for us both!

My cappuccino maker rounds out the Beverage Station filled with popular items of the moment. I make no apologies, I love them all. Stop by for some coffee, a latte, or a smoothie. Whatever tickles your fancy.

A photo posted by D (@d.chicago) on Jan 17, 2015 at 12:12pm PST

And Gracie feeding Piggie in the aforementioned high chair:

A photo posted by D (@d.chicago) on Jan 18, 2015 at 7:06am PST

My parents in town for two nights with my brother meant two dinner outings. On Friday we opted for a babysitter and we all went to Petterino’s in the Loop, which we always enjoy and my brother hadn’t had a chance to try. Saturday night we drove a bit west and tried Ponce, which is described by various websites/articles as either Latin American, Caribbean, or Puerto Rican. Bottom line: awesome food in a small, nondescript establishment. You order at the counter and fight for a table and it is worth it. Everything we had was awesome, even Gracie dug into some rice (in her words “I yuv wice Mommy”) and enjoyed herself. If you don’t speak Spanish you’ll want to pull the menu up on your phone with the English translation.

Saturday morning also found us at Gracie’s first dentist appointment where they counted her teeth and showed us some brushing techniques, and her the tools and chair. She seemed cool with it all, we return this summer for a full cleaning….. and my brother was a good sport and tagged along.

Sunday we spent nursing our ailments and whipping the house into shape – the snow and temperatures mean we have constant salty slush drips near our entry ways and the dog has taken to digging into the trash to find Kleenex to artfully shred into little tissue-piles that you stumble upon at the worst time. I can neither confirm nor deny we resorted to Frozen and Olaf snuggles to make the kiddo happy on Sunday morning, but hey, we all made it to Monday in one piece.