In Stitches- Nick Edwards

By Lucybirdbooks @lucybirdbooks

So this year I’m trying something new, to increase output…or something like that. I’m posting reviews on twitter first, then posting them across to here (or at least that is the plan). They are a bit less structured and formal than my usual reviews, but I’m trying it out. Let me know what you think.

This first one is ‘In Stitches’ by Nick Edwards, I put the review up on twitter some time ago and only just getting around to putting it on here.

So here”s your first one!
‘In Stiches’ Nick Edwards. It’s a #MedicalMemoir documenting some of his experiences working in #AandE. #books #BookReview

— Lucybird (@lucybirdbooks) January 9, 2020

It was released in 2007 so a little bit dated in terms of working and political situations, although I doubt much has changed in terms of patients. Maybe if I hadn’t read medical memoirs before, or if I wasn’t a #studentnurse I would have found it more eye opening.

— Lucybird (@lucybirdbooks) January 9, 2020

As it was there was little I didn’t expect, but as a starter medical memoir it would be good. It’s easy to read, at times funny, and the medical details aren’t too graphic or complex. The thing I learnt most about was doctor’s rotations, although I don’t know if they remain.

— Lucybird (@lucybirdbooks) January 9, 2020

There is definitely a frustration at how the government (at the time a Labour government) acted when it came to the NHS, although some understanding that there was some good theory behind strategies like the waiting times.

— Lucybird (@lucybirdbooks) January 9, 2020

At some points I found the author a little self-satisfied, but not to the point of dislike.

— Lucybird (@lucybirdbooks) January 9, 2020

It was free on #KindleUnlimited and I had wanted something quick and easy for over Christmas, so if I got my book club book for Christmas I could start it straight away without having to stop a book partway through.

— Lucybird (@lucybirdbooks) January 9, 2020

I probably wouldn’t have got it otherwise, because it sounded less technical than I’m used to, it did pretty well for my purposes though. /

— Lucybird (@lucybirdbooks) January 9, 2020

Buy it:

Kindle (£1.99/Free on Kindle Unlimited)

Paperback (£6.99)

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