By Kashifqdn @kashifqdn
Traditional Jewish history and Biblical texts divided this Semitic people into twelve tribes. In the time of Jesus, only two of the tribes were in the region Jesus preached, whereas the whereabouts of the remaining ten has always been a bit of a mystery.
The second century historian Josephus wrote in his book Antiquities of the Jews that the ten tribes were 'beyond Euphrates' in his time, east of present day Iraq and in the Persian empire of the time which extended into India.
It is also notable that early Church history documents the existence of a Gospel in the Hebrew language found in India, which also confirms Israelites in India. St Jerome (c 400 A.D) wrote that the scholar Pantaenus in the second century came across the document in his travels. St Jerome further wrote that the Israelites in his time continue to live in the Persian empire.
The mission of Jesus was to reach out to the Lost Tribes (or 'Sheep') of Israel, as stated in Matthew 15:24. It was thus imperative for him to migrate to the east.
The mass of evidence showing that the peoples of Afghanistan, north-west India (particularly Kashmir) and neighboring areas are of Israelite ancestry continues to grow. Their physical features, language, folklore, customs and festivals attest to their Israelite heritage. Evidence also come from the names they give to their villages, their monuments and ancient historical works.
Some pilot genetic studies on peoples in India who to this day call themselves 'Bene Israel' or 'Children of Israel' confirm their middle eastern origin. (Picture - Jews of Afghanistan) *This blog is completely unofficial and in no way represents Islam Ahmadiyya or the views of anyone except the author themself.*