In Russia: Design Awards for Moscovskiye Novosti, The Moscow News

Posted on the 05 July 2012 by Themarioblog @garciainteract

TAKEAWAY: It is design awards in Moscow for the new Moscovskiye Novosti and its English language sister, Moscow News.

It was a one of a kind project for us at Garcia Media, when we were invited to create the look for the rebirth of Moscovskiye Novosti, a title well known by Russian newspaper readers, but which had disappeared for over 15 years until 2010 when it was brought back as a daily.

Now we get the happy news that the Moscovskiye Novosti has been awarded five awards by the Society of News Design (SND)  The MN won bronze in the Best Newspaper Design category, silver for Non-Documentary Photography and gold in the Infographics category for the infographic “Nordstream in Time and Space,“ as well two awards in the Front Page and Infographics categories. The Infographics gold was the only gold award won in 2011.

This is what Ilya Ruderman, art director for the RIA Novosti, which publishes Moscovskiye Novosti, had to say:

This is not the first time that professionals have praised the Moskovskiye Novosti newspaper for its design. Personally, I would like to mention the outstanding infographics design by Mikhail Simakov, the high professional level of art director Anton Stepanov and the weekly illustrations by Dmitry Kavko. All these ingredients combined within the design concept by Mario Garcia help the newspaper’s look and overall execution conform to the highest standards of global design.

Also winning, the English language The Moscow News which received a special award for Best Newspaper Design at the 2011 Newspaper Design annual open contest. Judging for the competition took place on June 23-24 at the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University.

The jury noted the high quality of the newspaper layout, photography and consistency in the quality of the design of newspaper pages,“ said Svetlana Maksimchenko, CEO of SND Russia and Regional Director of the International Society for News Design.

She added that The Moscow News was the only English-language newspaper among the winners.

Here is the statement from the editor in chief of The Moscow News, Tim Wall:

The Moscow News is very pleased to win Russia’s “Best Newspaper Design 2011” award, which I think is based on our general approach – to be creative and even slightly provocative in our content and presentation. We tackle serious and controversial issues in a fun way, and try to use a combination of dramatic photography, graphic art (cartoons and logos) and infographics as boldly as we can. Newspapers today, especially in print, have to grab readers’ attention and entertain the eye, as much as provide food for thought for the soul.

Over 60 newspapers from Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan competed this year. Works published between January 1 and December 31, 2011 participated in the contest. The jury consisted of Russian and foreign newspaper design professionals, including winners from previous years. The jury presented 38 awards in seven categories: Best Newspaper Design, Front Page, Infographics, Information Package, Non-Documentary Illustrations, Documentary Photography and Redesign.

Today is the day: Moscovskiye Novosti’s comeback premieres

Online edition of Moscovskiye Novosti;

Moscovskiye Novosti marketing campaign creates controversy

Moscovskiye Novosti premieres across platforms March 28

-In Russia: rebirth of a legendary, iconic newspaper: Moscovskiye Novosti

Russia report #2: designing Moscovskiye Novosti across the platforms

In Moscow: making plans for the return of Moscovskiye Novosti, the iconic, influential newspaper

TheMarioBlog post #1046