In Pursuit of Blank Places on the Map

By Hikingwithheather @HikingHeather
"To those devoid of imagination, a blank place on the map is a useless waste; to others, the most valuable part." ~Aldo Leopold

This past week, with high temperatures in the negative digits, has been excruciating! Not just physically, but mentally as well. December is usually the perfect month for hiking before it gets too cold or the snow too deep, but this year is just not cooperating.
Instead of complaining or sinking into cabin-fever-depression, I've decided to use the indoor time to plan out hikes and study my Ice Age Trail maps. This exercise for the mind has done wonders for my well-being and I'm really excited to get hiking again once the weather improves!
My niece always laughs at me because I'm seldom without a map in hand, but they bring me so much joy just imagining the adventures to be had!