In Praise of Race Mixing

Posted on the 11 April 2013 by Calvinthedog

Hage writes:

Doesn’t race mixing produce better looking women? A lot of great looking women in South America (region with a ratio of the best looking people) are of mixed race heritage.

It is a given in animal breeding that heterozygosity is a good idea. Whether this works the same in humans is not known, but we are animals too. Surely race mixing cannot be a disaster if animal breeding is any guide, and probably inbreeding is a much more serious problem with humans.

The White nationalists and other racial pluralists always champion pure races and inbreeding and pour cold water on the notion of hybrid vigor and interbreeding. However, the record from animal breeding shows that highly purebred (inbred) and unmixed animal breeds have a huge number of serious issues, typically genetic medical problems (often muskoloskeletal). There is certainly no evidence that mixing races produces a “bastardized,” “mutt” or inherently unstable and defective race of any sort. In fact, the more diverse a race’s genetic set, the more adaptive they are as a general rule.

If, say, Blacks are a problem in your country, you can always get rid of the problem by eliminating the Black race in your land. You would do this not be killing or deporting the actual Black people in your country; instead you would simply breed them out of existence by breeding in with them.

This was actually a project of the government of Brazil in the 1800′s under the Brancamiento Program, whereby Whites and others were encouraged to breed with Blacks in order to eliminate the Black race in Brazil, who were seen as a problem. At the same time, the state encouraged mass importation of Whites from Europe. Many came from Portugal and Spain, and quite a few others came from Italy (mostly northern Italy) and Germany (north and central Germany).

At present, there are only ~7% pure Blacks in Brazil anymore. Nevertheless, the more mulattoized culture of Brazil has a gigantic crime rate, is horrifically violent, and in general, Brazil is an extremely cruel, callous and unequal state (one of the most unequal states on Earth).

In Mexico, at one time, there was a large number of Blacks in the country. They were simply bred out of existence such that Blacks or even mulattos are not common anymore, except on the coast around Veracruz. Nevertheless, the average Mexican is now 3-5% Black, something most US Blacks are loath to admit. That amount of Black genes in the stock should have very little effect on the population, certainly little to no negative effect. Nevertheless, it is certainly true that Mexico lacks any kind of Black race problem.

In the late 1800′s around Buenos Aires, there was a large Black population in the city. They seem to have disappeared off the face of the Earth, but a good theory is that they were simply bred out of existence. The average Argentine is now 3% Black.

Some race realists like to talk about how the Japanese race is one of the most superior races on Earth. I don’t like to discuss human races in those terms, but they do have high IQ’s a low crime rate and a very orderly society. The Japanese are actually a highly mongrelized race, a with a heavy mix of both Australoid Ainu and Korean Mongoloid in their stock.