In Praise of Aunties (‘Life’s a Journey’ Nostalgia Link-Up, Week 67)

By Saveeverystep @saveeverystep

Welcome to year two of our weekly series of ‘link-up’ Posts which reflect on life’s journey, old memories and family stories (see below for more info).

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Aunties. The much-loved but grossly under-celebrated right-hand-man of every family unit.

May I introduce my Aunty Joyce. No, actually, she deserves way more than that……*trumpet fanfare* Thank HEAVEN for Aunty Joyce!

Throughout my childhood, she was a constant presence. The one who could get away with the sweets, the handstands, and the inappropriate, nay peurile behaviour.

I have nothing but gratitude for her steadfast dedication to the cause of spinster-dom, for every man’s loss was our greedy gain. Throwing seaweed, cheating at cards, uncontrollable shoulder-shaking during the school theatrical production; Aunty Joyce could be heavily relied upon for laughter, silliness and the elongation of the heady days of childhood. What else are Aunties for?!

I became an Aunty way before I became a mother. I have two incredible nieces (at whom I have done my best to throw much seaweed over the years). It is a most gratifying experience to be loved by a tiny baby that is not yours, and was most certainly  the best transition I could have hoped for between my own childhood and parenthood.

Thank you Aunty Joyce. You are, to all intents and purposes, the very closest thing I have to a Mum these days, and long may it continue.

Thank you Emma & Ellie for letting me practice on you for the last 23 years.

Tell me about your Aunties. Are you lucky enough to have an inspirational lady like this in your life? Maybe you are an Aunty yourself? How has that affected your life so far, and/or your approach to parenting? Join the Linky or leave a comment. Nostalgia come in all shapes and sizes, so make sure you capture yours.

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More about the Life’s a Journey weekly memories series.

A selection of other posts from this series:-

Week 2 – Old School Portrait

Week 4 – Bestest Friends

Week 5 – Teenage Crushes

Week 6 – First Movie Memories

Week 9 – Favourite Childhood Books

Week 19 – Becoming a Parent

Week 25 – Old Boyfriends

Week 39 – My home town