In Our Own Time Zone

By Specialneedmom2 @specialneedmom2

About a week ago we set our clocks forward (or was it backward?) for Daylight Saving Time. We still haven’t figured it out. I think now most of our locks are set at times within 20 minutes of each other.

And I don’t think it makes much difference anyway.

Our family has been living off of the clock for a while. Sure, we eat at regular times and try to sleep at least once every 24 hours, but that’s it. We are outside in the sunshine and watch movies when it’s dark.

But that’s as far as we go in terms of following a conventional sense of time.

As a family we really have a hard time doing anything in a timely way. Something about having three kids who can’t tell time has that effect on you. We are almost always late and function in our own time zone.

I tend to wake before the kids and work for a couple hours before I deal with demands for pancakes and sippy cups. Hubby usually stays up late, doing dishes or watching documentaries on Netflix.

The kids wake up and fall asleep around us. As a family of five, we live life out of synch of most other folks. The more I work online, the more our off the clock schedule makes sense.

This post was written at 10:14 pm EST while one kid and I watched Beauty and the Beast and another fell asleep on the sofa. Hubby fell asleep a couple hours ago when he was putting Baby Dunk to bed. The post was scheduled using WordPress’s scheduler, in another attempt to beat the clock.