First up: my wreath. I wish I could say I made this beauty but nope, bought it at Walmart!
I love mini pumpkins and I bought these for $2.99 for a bag of 5. Not a bad deal considering they are about $3 each at pumpkin patches!
I have a crazy obsession with owls. Maybe it's the big eyes (similar to mine!) but I love including them in all home decor, especially during fall! Oh and of course, these are from Tar-jay!
By the kitchen, there is an opening with a small counter that I love to decorate for holidays. I have posted pics of this part on IG (@scggirl) so maybe some of you have already seen this. Right now, this is my favorite section. I love the banner, the cobweb curtain, the glitter skull, ALL of it!!
Usually, I would be creeped out by rats, but not during Halloween!
This super cute pumpkin man has been in my Halloween decor for about 4 years now. I love him. I always hang him outside right by the front door. I cannot, for the life of me, remember where I bought him!
It's been raining almost every afternoon so I haven't been able to do much outside. Right now, all I have are these two adorable figures that I ordered from JoAnn and some tombstones. I need to add an inflatable and some skull & bones and maybe some cobwebs!
That's pretty much it for now. I do keep adding throughout the month of October but it's always fun stuff, not super spooky gore. I don't like that.
Have you decorated yet? Post your links in the comments below so I can see. I love Halloween!!