As we talked through this struggle together, I explained to this client that what she is doing is the equivalent of wrapping an amazing gift with mediocre packaging. What a tremendous disservice she is doing to herself!
Now, one could argue that a focus on image or packaging is a shallow endeavor, that someone who possesses all the qualities, like my client does, shouldn’t have to concern themselves with things like outer appearance. While there could be some merit to this argument, I ask you all to think about the last time you were in a grocery store and bought something based on the packaging. Or, the times you were willing to spend more on a product because it looked better than the generic version? In addition, think about all the times you judged someone else based on their own “packaging” or outer appearance. Wrong or right, shallow or not, the visual part of how we perceive things is just as important as what is inside. Image matters, like it or not.
Yet, why do many of us hate that image matters? Why does this simple truth get under the skin of so many people, especially women?
But, in the end, who is really losing out?
As weird as it sounds, packaging oneself is all about fashion, yet, it has absolutely nothing to do with it. Fashion is important for the sake of you, not for the sake of fashion. Do you get the difference? Unfortunately, most women live or think the latter. However, smart women, women who have worked with me, or women who finally get it, understand that the work of packaging oneself does take fashion, but, in doing so, is only successful when used correctly.
To correctly use fashion means that you come first and fashion comes second. Fashion is a tool just like a certification in a skill is a tool or a plunger to fix a clogged toilet is a tool. When you look at fashion this way, as a tool, it changes everything. There is nothing wrong with the pursuit of bettering your outer packaging, just as long as you are viewing it in the correct manner…that you come first and fashion comes second, as something you simply use to better communicate.
I want you to consider how you’ve viewed the pursuit of better packaging of yourself up until now. What have your beliefs about this process have been? Have you been self-sabotaging your own success because of these beliefs? Have you smugly believed yourself to be better than those who do consider their packaging carefully? What have these beliefs possibly cost you in the end? Who really is winning? I also want you to consider that by not ruling your packaging into your how you communicate, you’ve allowed yourself to be just as victimized by fashion as those who have overly consumed themselves with it. In both cases, fashion has been running the show, not you. By flipping it around, and seeing fashion as a tool, as something you use to deepen and more fully realize and express yourself, you’re the one in charge and fashion finds its proper place and priority in your life…simply as a tool.