Cute meme hosted by The Story Siren...
Received from NetGalley:
1. The Mangle Street Murders--M.R.C. Kasasian (Gower Street Detective #1) 2. The French Orphan--Michael Stolle 3. Manor of Secrets--Katherine Longshore
Bought for Kindle:
1. Buzz Off--Hannah Reed (Queen Bee Mystery #1) 2. London--Edward Rutherfurd 3. The Paris Plot--Teresa Grant 4. Murder Past Due--Miranda James (Cat in the Stacks Mystery #1) 5. Engagement at Beaufort Hall--Jane Feather
Received from Library:
1. Dyeing Wishes--Molly MacRae (Haunted Yarn Shop Mystery #2) 2. Pecan Pies and Homicides--Ellery Adams (Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery #3) 3. Park Lane--Frances Osborne 4. Fallen Women--Sandra Dallas 5. Long Live the King--Fay Weldon (Love & Inheritance #2) 6. The New Countess--Fay Weldon (Love & Inheritance #3)
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