In My Mailbox [25] The One with Too Many Review Books!!

By Literaryexploration @Lit_Explorer
In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at the Story Siren where you can learn about all the awesome new books I've picked up this week!

So this has been a super awesome week, bookwise, but now I'm overflowing with review books and I need to dedicate a lot of time to reading them!! Also, since I'm borrowing a book from someone, I need to read that first! Borrowed books always go straight to the top of my TBR :) Also, sorry I look a bit ragged in this video. I just couldn't put myself together enough hahahah!
For ReviewArticle 5 by Kristen Simmons (Big thanks to TorTeen!!!)Pure by Julianna Baggot (Thank you Dana and Grand Central Publishing!!!)Social Suicide by Gemma Halliday (Big thanks to HarperTeen!!!)Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins (Big thanks to HarperTeen!!!)Destined by Aprilynne Pike (Big thanks to HarperTeen!!!)Alex in Wunderstrande by K. M. Parr (Thanks to the author!!!)
BorrowedThe Selection by Kiera Cass (Thank you Molli at Once Upon a Prologue!!)
Make sure you leave a link to your IMM so I can check out what you got!!