Sorry if I sound a little off and maybe look a little bored. I'm getting over a sickness :(
Books MentionedPerception by Kim Harrington (Big thanks to Scholastic!)Double Clutch by Liz ReinhardtFracture by Megan MirandaPaper Towns by John GreenPartials by Dan WellsCold Kiss by Amy GarveyThe Dark Divine by Bree DespainXVI by Julia KarrUPDATE:
I forgot to mention a couple ebooks I got! EEP!
Freshman Year and Other Unnatural Disasters by Meredith Zeitlin (Courtesy of G.P. Putnam's Sons)
Angelfall by Susan Ee
Bloggers MentionedRockee at Rockee Musik ReadsAudris at YA BookmarkHafsah at Icey BooksJenny at Books to the Sky