In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at the Story Siren where you can learn about all the awesome new books I've picked up this week!
So here's the giant IMM video where I tell you about all the books I went out and bought with my giftcards :)
Also, this is my first video done on my iPad so let me know what you think! I didn't have time to do any editing or anything, so this is just me :)
Also, I should correct myself and say "I'm glad Deadly Cool is in paperback, considering it always was...."
Books MentionedUnder the Never Sky by Veronica RossiThe Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. SmithDeadly Cool by Gemma Halliday Born at Midnight by C. C. HunterClockwork Prince by Cassandra ClareRemember Me by Christopher PikeCarrier of the Mark by Leigh FallonSoul Screamers Volume One by Rachel VincentThe Demon Trappers Daughter by Jana Oliver
Bloggers MentionedIvy at Ivy Reads