I feel like a magpie. I have been distracted by many shiny new things this month, with most of them finding their way into my kitchen. Spurred on by The Homemade Flour Cookbook I featured last month, I went on the hunt for sorghum flour. Sorghum flour is a gluten free, wholegrain flour that I am eager to try in baking. As you know, when you are actually looking for something you can never find it. The minute I found the sorghum flour I started seeing it everywhere. The only brand I could find was Bob’s Red Mill but if you are aware of another source I would love to know.
Whilst paying for the sorghum flour, I saw sample size packets of chocolate Raw Protein Powder on the counter. This protein powder is made from sprouted seeds and legumes. Although not a huge fan of protein powders I was intrigued enough to find myself walking away with a packet. It will be mixed into some muesli bars for The Princess. Always on the lookout for honey substitutes, I was happy to stumble across this Coconut Nectar. Although I have no firm plans for its use, I will initially try it as a substitute for maple syrup in my toasted muesli.
I try my very best to avoid supermarkets. However on those occasions that the toilet paper stocks run low I succumb, and always find myself wandering the aisles looking for new products. I bought the chia seeds to take with me on a recent trip, as they are handy to slip into your purse and can be poured into juice or smoothies to keep hunger at bay. Unfortunately I forgot to take them with me so will just have to make chia pudding instead. What a shame. The freeze dried pomegranate seeds will be worked into a bar or cookie, but I have had to hide then from The Princess in the mean time. She was ready to eat them then and there.
The Princess recently revealed she loves miso soup, a fact I was previously unaware of. Unfortunately many of the instant miso soups on the market contain MSG, so I was happy to came across these instant soups that are free from MSG. Now I don’t have to make miso soup from scratch, and The Princess has been enjoying soup as an afternoon snack. I am more than happy with that. The packet of miso will be used to make miso pickles from my new Asian Pickles book (see below).
I have three new books this month. Can It, Bottle It, Smoke It is full of fabulous Do It Yourself kitchen projects. From homemade tortilla chips to Worcestershire sauce, it is full of foods and condiments that are simple to make at home. I want to grow jalapenos this summer so I can make my own chipotles in adobe sauce. Asian Pickles, by the same author, has many fermented and quick pickle projects that I am eager to try. Whilst we are not gluten free, I find many new books on gluten free baking use a variety of alternative wholegrain flours and nut meals to replace the gluten, which sits well with the way I cook. Flourless is no exception and is my newest addition. I have my eye on the Almond Cake with Balsamic Roasted Strawberries to make good use of the new season’s strawberries.
I had a brief trip to Singapore last weekend, and fortuitously found a supermarket right under my hotel. After all my hunting for sorghum flour, there on the shelf was sorghum grain. Apparently sorghum will pop like popcorn so I look forward to trying it. The rest of the grain will be ground into fresh flour. I also found some blue cornmeal, so I am looking forward to making blue tortilla chips. There was much discussion with the Customs Officers at midnight as to whether these would be allowed in, but eventually they let me keep them. Unfortunately they confiscated my flagelot beans. A heads up for Australian travelers. Customs will allow grains (although not wheat) through but no beans of any sort are allowed unless you have a permit.
My happiest find this month, also from Singapore, is kombu. Kombu is the crucial ingredient in dashi stock (for miso soup). I also slip in a small piece when cooking beans to improve their digestibility. Kombu is no longer available in Australia but I now have a small stockpile that should last me quite a while. Happy dance!
That is about it for my kitchen this month. Head over to Celia’s at Fig Jam & Lime Cordial to see what is happening in other kitchens around the world.