In My Kitchen – November 2014

By Thecookspyjamas @thecookspyjamas

It’s been slightly quieter In My Kitchen this month.  I have been avoiding the supermarkets, so there are not many new finds to talk of.  This is good, however, as I can finally share my kitchen pride and joy with you – my egg skelter.  I saw it on a River Cottage episode a few years ago, hunted it down and had it sent from England.  Prior to purchasing it, we didn’t have a great system for storing eggs.  The skelter takes all the guesswork out of this.  The oldest eggs are used first, and as you take eggs from the bottom new eggs slowly roll down and fill the gap.  It is also means that my eggs are always at room temperature.

My new Bruny Island Cheese Club delivery has just arrived for the month, so I am now all stocked up on cheese.  This is only my second month of ordering from the club.  They send four cheeses, both hard and soft, which means we get to try cheeses I might not otherwise purchase.  I have been very impressed with the service and the quality of the product, and even though it comes from the opposite side of the country it arrives cold and in perfect condition.

There is the opportunity to add other Tasmanian delicacies to my cheese club order.  This month I selected fresh Tasmanian walnuts and stoneground semolina.  The walnuts will be eaten on their own.  Fresh walnuts are so sweet that I just want to enjoy them as is.  I am going to make fresh pasta with the semolina, seeing as I have lots of eggs at the moment.

The first of this season’s peaches have finally started to appear at the farmer’s markets.  We always enjoy the first peaches as fresh fruit.  As the season progresses, I start to buy them by the tray so they will be roasted with red wine for dessert or made into individual peach crumbles.

New season potatoes are also beginning to appear.  I always do a happy dance in my mind when I find dirty potatoes.  Does that make me weird?  A little dirt helps them last longer and I am more than happy to scrub a few potatoes before dinner if I know that the product is fresh.

I made a small batch of my favourite Low Sugar Strawberry Vanilla Jam last week.  I make my jam in small batches now as I found that I would get bored with larger batches and ended up with a lot of excess jam.  Small batches allow me to experiment with different types of jam.

Finally my single supermarket find.  I was intrigued by these coconut chips but was in a hurry and didn’t read the label properly.  These are very nice but are unnecessarily sweetened with sugar.  Thankfully the jar isn’t very big and The Princess seems to have taken a fancy to them.  I can’t see the jar lasting long.

Don’t forget to pop over to Celia’s at Fig Jam & Lime Cordial to see what is happening in other kitchens around the world this month.

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