In My Dreams...

By Kerrysteele @kerrysteeleart
I have been meaning to show my bedroom here, nothing perfect but I quite like it. I thought a nice, sunny day like today provided the perfect opportunity. I knew there were a few items to pick and tidy but when I looked around it was so much messier than I realized. There were things out of place that had just become invisible to me. Does that happen to you? Do toss a sweater on a chair to be dealt with in a few minutes and a month later realize that its been there since Christmas. You never notice it even though you walk by it at least 10 times a day? Oversharing.... Here are a few spaces that inspired my not-ready-for-primetime-bedroom.

Kelley Proxmire

Suzanne Kasler

It is all about the calming palette for me. I see many bedrooms that are really awesome but, for me, too stimulating. I favor bold colors around my house but I'd be thinking "Damn, that's cute" instead of sleeping in a room like that. Stay tuned for a peek into my room...after I hang up clothes.