The truth is that all kinds of activism are important. And while participating in a big march can help raise awareness, so can signing an online petition, or helping a Tweet against an advertiser go viral, or any of a ton of things we can do from home.
Now, people who are oppressed have the right to deal with it however they choose, and getting involved with activism is an option but never an obligation. One of the ways that those wanting to be allies, as well as more privileged people within a marginalized community, can use their privilege is by being involved in activism.
Armchair activism has plenty of benefits:
A Response To The Double Oppression Of Capitalism and MarginalizationAt least here in the States, being part of a marginalized community often means lower pay and longer hours (or more jobs) just to be able to afford the basics of life. That can leave people with fewer options for activism that takes them away from their homes and computers. Black and brown people can be risking their lives at activism events where racist police may become involved. Armchair activism allows people to do what they can, when they can, in ways that may keep them safer.
A Response to AbleismFar too often, in-person activism events are not made accessible to disabled people. Beyond that, there can be tremendous effort involved in getting to these events and participating in them for disabled people, people for whom crowds/face-to-face interaction are difficult, and those with chronic illness and pain.
For OurselvesActivism isn't just about the effect it has on others. In fact, we can never control the outcome of our activism. It's also about the impact it has on the people doing it. It gives us the chance to take action against oppression, to fight back. That matters.
Public ActivismIn a discussion online about what to do about the Bigger Loser Reboot disaster, and people suggested signing the petition against it, and Tweeting at the sponsors. Someone in the thread suggested that people shouldn't sign online petitions or Tweet, but should rather send hard copy letters. Now, there's nothing wrong with hard copy letters, but they can be thrown out with nobody being any the wiser. The thing about social media activism is that it's public and the company perpetuating harm can't simply throw it in the bin.
By The NumbersAnother benefit of social media activism is that it can grow exponentially. Recently Amtrak tried to charge two disabled passengers $25,000 for what would have been a $16 ticket. The passengers when public on social media, the story went viral, got picked up by the news, and Senator Tammy Duckworth got involved. Amtrack backed down. All driven by armchair activism.
To quote Teddy Roosevelt, doing what we can, with what we have, where we are, is an important and completely valid type of activism. Vive the armchair!
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This e-course that includes coaching videos, a study guide, and an ebook with the tools you need to create a rock-solid relationship with your body. Our relationships with our bodies don't happen in a vacuum, so just learning to see our beauty isn't going to cut it. The world throws obstacles in our way - obstacles that aren't our fault, but become our problem. Over the course of this program, Ragen Chastain, Jeanette DePatie, and six incredible guest coaches will teach you practical, realistic, proven strategies to go above, around, and through the obstacles that the world puts in front of you when it comes to living an amazing life in the body you have now.
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Love It! 234 Inspirations And Activities to Help You Love Your Body
This is filled with thoughtful advice from the authors Jeanette DePatie, Ragen Chastain, and Pia Sciavo-Campo as well as dozens of other notable names from the body love movement, the book is lovingly illustrated with diverse drawings from size-positive artist Toni Tails.
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Hi, I'm Ragen Chastain. Speaker, Writer, Dancer, Choreographer, Marathoner, Soon to be Iron-distance triathlete, Activist, Fat Person. View all posts by Ragen Chastain