In Case You Weren’t Sure, Everything Is Good Between Corinne Olympios And DeMario Jackson

Posted on the 31 August 2017 by Sumithardia

In Case You Weren’t Sure, Everything Is Good Between Corinne Olympios And DeMario Jackson

When Corinne Olympios appeared on a Bachelor in Paradise reunion show Tuesday night in her best attempt at an Ariana Grande hair tutorial, she issued an apology to DeMario Jackson (via rose wrangler Chris Harrison) for all the drama that went down during the first weekend of filming. She also claimed she didn’t really remember the incident, because she had drank too much booze while taking medication. It wrapped everything up into a tidy little reality TV package, and closed the door on that chapter.

Maybe there were a couple viewers who wondered if Corinne’s apology was orchestrated by Warner Bros. head honchos, standing behind the camera, mouthing the words “Don’t forget the part about the pills!” while making invisible pill bottle-shaking hand motions. Well no, Corinne and DeMario are absolutely, for-real all good now. TMZ caught up with Corinne and DeMario outside of a club last night in Los Angeles, and they made it very clear there’s no bad blood. No literally, Corinne says it twice.

TMZ seems to think this is all a little too good to be true. I can see how they might be suspicious. Personally, the only way I’m allowing a jump-hug like that is if I’m getting paid to do it (you gotta get that money in case you throw your damn back out!). But then again, DeMario does make a joke about how his “PR is going to hate this in the morning.” Oh DeMario, surely you’re not that naive. This is exactly the sort of thing a publicist likes to wake up to. Did you get attention? Check! The only thing they’d hate is if it happened and no cameras were around. DeMario, you’re going to be fine.

Pic: YouTube

Source: In Case You Weren’t Sure, Everything Is Good Between Corinne Olympios And DeMario Jackson

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