As a guest author, I’ve figured for a while that I would either plan or be forced for my sanity to write an article focusing my “politics”, having more faith in the latter.
The lack of clarity regarding them has, to my disadvantage, sparked claims or suspicions of me being a White Supremacist in disguised or bordering such ideology despite being Black. Though when repeatedly queried, said accusers couldn’t cite a legit case of me showing clear, non-statistical or subjective bias against Blacks (consistent with my actual politics to be mentioned further on).
At the same time, regulars in the comment section such as William or Tulio have expressed curiosity in whatever “path” has drawn me to my current thoughts. These questions caused me to drift back towards my own agenda in HBD towards a recurring dilemma dating since my initial exposure to modern research of racial differences. Both challenged and conflicted, I’ve decided to devote time and energy into a subject matter that I’ve found, honestly, was not even that clear to me prior to typing this.
Why I’m not a online “Stormer”
1. I have a deep intolerance towards self-hate. Being blunt with shortcomings of your background and reflecting it in your character is one thing, but complaining about it to the point where you reject your own and try to emulate another group is rather pathetic and treacherous to me regardless of one’s race or culture . With that said, it became apparent to me that many people have had experiences where they witness these shortcomings up front with a profound effect that forces them out of it, ones I’ve never had. Regardless, I’m not ignorant of “Negro vices,” and I’ll address that afterwards.
2. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t commit to a “new White identity”. This is largely due to me having physical traits that obviously wouldn’t pass the “Ubermensch” test, which is to be expected when I’m about 82-84% Black. My only features that deviate me from the typical “Negro” look would be my skin tone, head size, and some isolated facial features, and even then, they could still be within a typical range in certain subgroups. Second would be mental and personality traits.
3. Though we could argue the extent of the stereotypes in their general application to Blacks, I’m simply going to point out the ones that apply to me. One would be laziness, which had actually cost me a semester of Advanced Calculus, but I’ve fortunately managed to make it up. Another match would be my emotion. Often I find myself invested in sadness, excitement, anger, and ponderousness for little or no reason. The third would be how simplified I try to make my daily activities, often in favor of my own leisure. There may be more, but I these traits pretty much match with what one would read from such titles such as Among the Ibos by G. T. Basden. Even then, I don’t actually hate myself as much as I discourage these tendencies in me.
4. As far as mental differences goes, what separates me from other Blacks is my lack of a gregarious nature, being more inclined to individualism. While it often results in me having more White friends, it doesn’t actually correlate with me having a deep desire to be White.
5. I hate Black-bashing with a passion. Criticism, sure, but modern Internet-Nazi mantra makes my blood boil more than reading Europeans in the past actually comparing Blacks to apes. That reason is because, as blunt as they were, the early Europeans could articulate that intelligently and others even tried to give better context to it, one I remember rejecting it in favor of “Paleolithic Man”. Needless to say, the type of Black- bashers that anger me are little like these early explorers.
Why I Bother with HBD
As said before, I have an agenda like most who acknowledge race realism. Before even researching the specifics, I thought that I could use my knowledge and experiences of personal vices that hold people back, making me an efficient adviser and communicator towards individuals that could use my help. Particularly, ones like my cousin Zachary who failed high school, has no job, and has a record for burglary.
At face value, I have no good reason to help him. While I barely know him and once when he visited me, he treated me like crap, my mother who cared about him when he was younger has already accepted his current fate, and currently his father has had enough and kicked him out after years of caring (and admittedly spoiling) him. The real reason I want to help him can be found when you look deeper into the situation.
When he respected my mother when he was younger, she was likely placeholder for his mother who barely acknowledged. Being both updated in his habits and having experience in knowing “real” thugs, she asserts that Zachary wasn’t one. She explains how a thug at his luck would be selling dope or on the streets or whatever crime to get by, but Zachary isn’t hardened like them and he only hangs out with them for “face”. He hadn’t done much else since the one burglary, leading me to suspect he did it out of peer pressure.
Instead he has been borrowing money and making empty promises of either school or work, really never sticking to anything. More evidence for his non-thug nature is that he actually does want to invest in his son, but currently the mother and her family are trying to find a “sugar daddy” to support the mother.
As far as I see it, my cousin is in a position where the Left isn’t actually going to the tackle his issues, and the Right wouldn’t even bother. It makes me stop and wonder how many are like him. With that said, I’m not stupid. While lacking in real life experience, reports from others now and in the past have given me a clear idea of dangers in engaging this too lightly. Unlike the active Left, I don’t generalize the situation of unfortunate Blacks from my cousin’s plight. I use HBD to understand my limitations and reassess my goals.
Am I Smart Because I’m Part White?
While I find my partly White background it a likely contributor, I would like to point out regardless that I’m more of the “sloppy Black genius” Robert has written about in the past. To roughly understand my psychology, I’ll refer to my personality type and trends in behavior of different Black tribes that would be likely candidates.
INFP’s tend to improvise more than plan, like blacks when “nigger-rigging” as Robert once elaborated. INFP’s are also have bias towards feelings and are led by virtues. While blacks have been noted to be somewhat endowed in observing emotions, how to actually consider them and respond with intuition was noted to be a separate skill. I’m unsure if this would be due to IQ or personality, likely both because I believe this would be a common vice in extroversion. Still, I wouldn’t pass off a Black component, which could be likely in my case.
Certain Blacks, like the Krumen or the Eboe, were noted for a more gentle nature than other Blacks during slavery, Eboes in particular being prone to suicide (an extreme extroverted trait). The latter were wanted for tobacco plantations, and as luck would find it, my mother’s side (where I owe my introversion) were tobacco sharecroppers, and my admixture results have me as 30% Nigerian, the largest single ethnicity out of all my ancestry results. On top of that, I’m rather sure both tribes had a form of a “mediator” as well as being noted for their fidelity, basically fitting a INFP caricature.
My father’s side is where I get my analytical skills. While my father is light skinned with a flatter face and more pointed nose than me, those are the only remotely White things about him. His cranial and body shape and other facial features are “Negro”. I suppose he would either fit the Congolese Bantu or Senegambian background. I would say likely Senegambian due to foresight, traditionalism and organization which overlap with some Bantus.
He’s not really that sensitive, which actually is a rather common thing in Black tribes aside from Eboes sand Krumen. This spawns from a combination of extroversion and logic such that he is not much of a feeler. He somewhat reminds me of a pastoralist in facial appearance and character, like a Tuareg or Fulani. I would say that he emulates some White Southerner traits right off the bat though, but I’m unsure if that’s through admixture or selection for certain traits when adapting to Southern society. Maybe a paternal lineage, like the pastoralists that were already mentioned.
So in summary, my White ancestry would play as a boost to latent traits which likely may come from certain Black backgrounds since I’m 82% Black. Another mechanism may be outbreeding, which increases individualism, if not “Whiteness” itself. If I knew my father’s specific components, I may have a better picture. As well I would encourage any info from Jm8 on behaviors of African tribes.