In a Vase on Monday – Simple!

By Gardeningjules @Gardeningjules

I am joining in with Cathy’s weekly vase challenge to fill a vase from my own garden, Ok, its a jug, not a vase but its my first one, please be kind. I haven’t got a cutting garden as this year I filled the space for flowers in my veg garden with potatoes and spinach. And this isn’t easy, my goodness. But it was absorbing and really enjoyable.

Most of the ‘White Pearl’ Sweet Peas have now run to seed, cut back early on they will re – shoot and re – flower, this late in the season and its just tactile seed pods, the flowers for this vase were the very last left to pick. The Cornus will really come into its own once the leaves drop and we are left with the joyous bright red stems.

‘White Pearl’ Seed Pods

When we moved to this house 14 years ago with two young children, a bigger garden and an even bigger mortgage my husband gave me two packets of National Trust seed, a packet of Sweet Peas, Lathyrus latifolius ‘White Pearl’ and a packet of Gaura lindheimeri ‘The Bride’. The dependable Sweet peas have flowered profusely every year since then, the Gaura have been resown as although short-lived are a favourite. ‘White Pearl’ Sweet Peas are scentless and unruly, need a lot of tying in but they remind me of our first year here.

Perennial Sweet Pea Lathyrus latifolius ‘White Pearl’

The Cornus alba ‘Elegantissima is flowering and without enough confidence to experiment, I have just put the two together in the Portmeirion custard jug.

Cornus alba ‘Elegantissima’

My grateful thanks to Cathy for hosting and encouraging this meme, lots of other more accomplished folk join in, please take a look!

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