In a Vase on Monday – Being Non-symmetrical

By Ronniejt28 @hurtledto60

Yeah!  This week for In a Vase on Monday I am displaying flowers, not bought from a shop, or cut from the garden flower patch, but a little posy chosen from pots on my patio.   Whilst I was deadheading and I thought to myself there was no reason why I couldn’t arrangement a few in a small jug.

I dug out a very pretty Royal Albert China cream mug from the cupboard – the pattern is called ‘moss rose’ which in itself is floral and eminently suitable.

I arranged the posy in the jug very carefully and, because I have OCD tendencies, I tried to make it look symmetrical, but it didn’t work because of the handle sticking out to,one side. Then having visited the many contributions to Rambling in The Garden’s weekly meme and seen how clever people are in their displays, I did a little rearranging.

The more I looked at it, the more I realised that with the handle on one side, it would look a more interesting composition with the Angeliona pointing out the other, a bit like a teapot spout,  even though I say it myself, I’m quite pleased with the finished article!

The flowers used are Verbena ‘peaches and cream’, Angeliona ‘raspberry’ the color picks up the roses on the jug, Achillea ‘terracotta’ (although looks more yellow to me!) and Lewisia Cotyledon.  Oh and I put in a few sprigs of Nemesia ‘Wisley Vanilla’ for added perfume.

I hope you like my non-symmetrical posy.  For some great ideas on arrangements please pop over to The Rambling Garden.