In A Vase On Monday – Alliums & Lilac

By Julie King

Welcome to this week’s In A Vase On Monday, when I am linking up with Cathy at Rambling In The Garden to join in her challenge to find something from the garden to put in a vase every week.

Earlier today I was thinking of calling this post “Rain Stops Play” as the weather has been so awful here for much of the day. The sun finally came out at around 5pm and I was able to get out to pick some soggy blooms and take some quick pictures.

In contrast to my last vase which was the very blousy bowl of lilacs and tulips, this week I have chosen something very simple.

The flowering of the allium Purple Sensation is another highlight in my gardening year and every autumn I add more of these stunning bulbs to my garden. They are flowering en mass this week in the bed behind the greenhouse and in the Cutting Garden – I will try and take some photos to share with you later this week.

These perfect bowls of color always add a designer feel to otherwise wayward spring borders! I bought todays ‘vase’ at the Chelsea Flower show 3 years ago, so it seemed appropriate to use it today. These three milk bottles are actually joined together to make one container.

The lilac is still looking good, but will be over very soon so I had to make sure I get my fix.

The alliums look very different in close up.

Just as I finished photographing this vase Ruby decided to jump up on the window sill and have a look inside to see what I was up to – I could not resist taking a few pictures of her.

I am keeping my fingers crossed for some better weather for the rest of the week so that I can get out and clear the sticky weed that is creeping through every border at an alarming rate!

As ever thank you to Cathy for hosting and I hope you will pop over to her blog to see what she and the others have made this week. I am now going to catch up with the days goings on at Chelsea and I hope to back later this week with a look around the garden.