Improve Your Online Business Efficiently: Practical Tips for SEO Analysis

Posted on the 11 February 2018 by Rahulthepcl

Do you want to get high income from your e-commerce? It's impossible without promotion and improvement, as everybody knows. And only a few people know how to do it.
One of the efficient ways to promote business online is SEO. The closer your site is to the first position in SERP, the more visitors you get. Also, it helps to increase brand awareness, revenue, and a number of clients.

In this article, I'm going to show you the easiest and the most effective method of SEO analysis.

What you should analyze

Well, for starters, you should make in-depth, complex analysis of your site. The main goal of this process is to determine site compliance with the search engines' recommendations and requirements. Thus, you can fix site optimization errors and improve your site's ranking.
The whole process of SEO audit can be divided into 5 blocks:

Technical audit

This part of SEO audit consists of technical factors analyses: server response setting, loading speed, validation of the page HTML code, viruses and harmful codes, duplicate pages, an audit of all feedback-forms' work.

Content optimization analysis

Here you should analyze every text on your website. This audit consists of the following analyses: semantic core and sitemap, keyword clustering, an architecture of pages with content, texts uniqueness, page optimization for keywords, keyword relevance.

Index analysis

This audit contains such analyses: robots.txt file and XML-map, assigning a site to regions, localizations, navigation structure, reasons of filter or restriction imposition, affiliates and so on.

Backlink analysis

As you have already understood, this audit is designed to learn incoming links. It'll show you the number of such links, their quality, anchor list density, the efficiency of outcoming links, etc.

Behavioral analysis

It means that you should analyze readers' level of satisfaction with your content. To understand it, you can learn records of visits.

To facilitate your work on such hard, boring and routine analyses, I collected the best tools which will help you to optimize your website for search engines. They are:

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free service for the site audit. It collects statistics from your website:

  • visitors number;
  • pages which are visited;
  • duration of the readers' visits;
  • steps number;
  • the source of the visitors (contextual advertising, organic SERP, links, emails, etc.);
  • information about a visitors' basket.

This tool will help you to find out site's bounce rate, your best marketing channels, keywords by which people can find you on Google, and so on.

Google AdWords

This tool is also free and useful advertising service for you. If you want to display your business ads on Google and its advertising network, the AdWords is just for you. It has comfortable, simple interface, a variety of instruments and is focused on keywords. Its program enables you to pay only when a person clicks your ad.

AdWords is ideal for every type of companies, either for gigantic holding or for small firms.

Buzzsumo is a paid service which can help you with your content marketing and SMM efforts. It shows information about:

  • domain's the most popular pages according to the number of shares on social networks;
  • contacts of those people who shared them;
  • the trends list and the last news from all over the world;
  • statistics (days and time when people share content, devices they use, most popular type of content, etc.)

Here you can analyze not only your site but also competitors' ones.

This service will help everyone who is developing an SMM strategy, looking for content plan topics or even those who is expanding the range of products.

Serpstat is an all-in-one SEO platform which contains allt tools you need to analyze your own site and your competitors' site as well. The most popular of them are:

  • keywords research;
  • collecting of semantic core;
  • backlink analysis;
  • rank tracker;
  • keyword clustering and text analytics;
  • competitors' ads analysis;
  • top pages (like at Buzzsumo);
  • tree view of the site (shows the site structure and keywords for each landing page);
  • missing keywords (keywords which is absent at your site but your competitors use them).

This platform works for many Europe countries and constantly expands its base.

Ringostat is a service for calls analytics and business process optimization. You can use it when at least 30% of your clients call you, but somehow they don't buy your products online.

  • track calls sources (including keywords);
  • analyze calls dividing them into target, untarget, received and missed;
  • classify calls according to the weekdays and time;
  • record calls.


One of the best ways to improve your online business is SEO, despite its complexity. There are a lot of factors which influence the site position in SERP: technical, content, index, backlinks, behavioral. To analyze every one of them you should work hard and spend a lot of time. To analyze your site a little bit faster and easier, I suggest using the following tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Buzzsumo, Serpstat, Ringostat.
Integrate them and increase your incomes!